UNS at Glance

Being more than three decades of age, UNS continues to struggle and bear a hard mandate: to increase the nation’s intellectual life. Various activities have been carried out and many accomplishments have been achieved. Currently, UNS has grown and developed into one of the outstanding universities in Indonesia. In the future, UNS is expected to develop as a leading university in education, research and community service, both at the national level—inline with the earlier developed colleges and at the international level, as a university which is capable to act autonomously as a world class university. Currently, UNS is constantly developing itself to compete in acceleration development program in the field of: a) access equity and expand; b) improvement of quality, relevance, and competitiveness; and c) improvement of governance, accountability, and public image.
The efforts to develop UNS to be an eminent university at the international level and be advanced in science, technology and art, as mandated in UNS Vision and Mission, has a big consequence and responsibility, particularly in building a mutual commitment, which are: promoting the quality, being professional, effective, and efficient.

Various programs, policies, and activities have been continuously conducted to face the challenges of the rapid, dynamic, interdependent, and complex global change. We have to admit that the challenges in the future are much more difficult, because the development of higher education can not be separated from the rapid development of the world’s science, technology, art and culture, and economy. Those changes will eventually demand that the graduates possess reliable and competitive competencies.

On the other hand, at the moment, most of the universities in Indonesia are still facing many internal problems such as the number of regulations that have not completely accommodated the effectiveness of services, or external issues such as the quality of the graduates that have not met the needs of industrial world. In other words, not all the community expectations have been entirely and maximally actualized.



Becoming the excellent center of development of science, technology, and art at international level based on the noble values of the national culture.


  • Conducting education and teaching program that require self-development of the lecturers and encourage students to be independent in acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
  • Conducting researches that lead to new discoveries in science, technology, and art.
  • Organizing community service activities oriented to community empowerment.


  • Creating an environment that encourages every element of the campus to learn to develop an optimal self.
  • Creating graduates who are devoted to the Almighty God and virtuous; intelligent, skilled, and independent; as well as physically, spiritually, and socially healthy.
  • Finding new discoveries in science, technology, and art that can be used to solve society problems and to build a better life.
  • Disseminating the results of education and teaching as well as research to the community that will result in a continuous transformation toward a more modern life.
  • Exploring and developing the noble values of the national culture as a foundation to think, act, and behave in life, both inside and outside the campus.
  • Developing a more civilized life order toward the creation of a more intelligent, skilled, independent, democratic, peaceful, and religious society.
  • Supporting the creation of a sovereign, united, just, and prosperous national and state life.
  • Making Sebelas Maret University as a leading university in Asia Pacific by the year of 2015.


In its third decade, UNS has developed into one of well-known universities in Indonesia. Various facilities and infrastructures are sufficiently available. The development of courses, the improvement of human resources quality, and the advanced role of the supporting divisions has also provided significant outcome for the institutional development.

The more significant success of the whole outcome has been proven by the increasing quality of the graduates marked by the improvement of the Grade Point Average (GPA), Education Efficiency Figure (Angka Efisiensi Edukasi/AEE), cumlaude graduates, and the reduction of study periods. Therefore, most of UNS alumni have achieved good position in the world of work in all over Indonesia and occupied various vital positions in the society. In research sector, accomplishments achieved in the event of grant competitions have also increased. The cooperation between UNS and several institutions both in Indonesia and overseas have also increased and provided significant results.

However, those successes are not enough. Hence, the development of UNS is intended for producing world class people. The main policy is to seriously implement the Paradigm of Higher Education Management: quality assurance, autonomy, accountability, accreditation, and sustainable evaluation of performance. In order that development and success can be achieved evenly, UNS seriously implement corporate management in each work unit as a foundation for the direction of policy and development. Thus, it will establish inter-unit synergistic cooperation (cohensiveness), simultaneously increasing self-reliance (autonomy), as well as the accountability and quality assurance in all sectors.

To conduct a qualified educational program, UNS is supported by more than 1,600 lecturers; 4% of them are professors, and 72.9% of them hold either undergraduate or master degrees. UNS is also supported by approximately 900 professional administrative staffs. The overall human resources have become a valuable asset to lead the organization towards the realization of the defined visions, missions, and purposes.

Up to now, UNS has nine faculties and one graduate program. UNS offers over 151 courses ranging from diploma, undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, specialist doctor education programs, to the doctoral program. Each of them is supported with adequate facilities: certified laboratories, language laboratories with Self Access Center facilities, and computer-managed and modern-information-technology-based libraries such as teleconference and web-based learning. The total number of students has currently reached 27,500 people. UNS alumni have spread throughout Indonesia and begun to occupy many important positions in the society. The total number of UNS alumni has so far reached more than 85,000 alumni.

Apart from increasing the education quality as the implementation of the second and thirddharma of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (the three main functions of higher level education)UNS also aims to improve research product and service for the society. This effort has shown good results; this year, UNS won 40% of 209 submitted competitive research proposals. It also won research funds/dedication of the funding partnership and cooperation with the Department of Education of Central Java Province. The efforts to improve the quality of research and community service have been being performed by the Institute of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat/LPPM). In performing its duties, LPPM is supported by Study Centers which become its subordinates.