To accommodate and channel the students’ aspirations and to improve their reasoning abilities, interests, talents, and prosperities, various organizations of students are established at the faculty and university levels. There are 32 students’ organizations in the level of university. Each Students Activity Unit is accomodated by the proper facility to ease the coordination and development. There are two buidings in which each has three up to four floors as the center of those students’ activity units. They are divided into 4 aspects: interests, abilities, logical thinking, religions, sports, and leaderships.

  • Interests, abilities, and leaderships aspects include: Coordination Board of Traditonal Culture (BKKT), Students’ Choir (PSM) Voca Erudita, Marching Band (MB), Scout, Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps (KSR PMI), Students Press Board (LPM) Kentingan, Study English Forum (SEF), Students’ Scientific Study (SIM), Students’ Coperation (KOPMA), and Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IQ).
  • Religion aspect includes: Students’ Activity Unit of Nurul Huda Congregation (JN UKMI), Christian Students Association (PMK), Catholic Students Family (KMK), Hindu Dharma Students Family, Buddhist Students Alliance.
  • Sports aspect include: Students Regiment (Menwa) Jagal Abilawa, Nature Conversationist Students (Mapala) Garba Wira Bhuana, Taekwondo, Tapak Suci, Perisai Diri, Merpati Putih, Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT), INKAI, Badminton, Football, Voly, Kempo, Table Tennis, Field Tennis.
  • Leadership aspect includes: Students’ Board (DEMA), Executive Students Board (BEM).