UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta academic members continue to contribute to society during the Covid-19 pandemic. This contribution is valid for the volunteers in the Coordinating Agency for Operation (Bakorlak) SAR UNS. Since the Covid-19 pandemic affected Indonesia in March 2020, the team keep working and assisting the community in need. It is safe to say that this unit’s duties got even more challenging during the pandemic because they are battling two fronts: to assist in handling the Covid-19 pandemic and to be ready to perform their Safe and Rescue activities for disasters or accidents.

Not long ago, the UNS SAR unit readiness was tested with the boat accident in Kedung Ombo Dam, Boyolali, when a boat with 20 passengers capsized. Upon receiving the report, the Bakorlak SAR UNS promptly departed to the site and started search operation. The unit sent 15 personnel and diving equipment and found three victims, two female children, and one adult woman. In May, the team again performed an evacuation operation for Church Composer’s body from Sleman, Yogyakarta, that was found floating in the Bengawan Solo river. The Bakorlak SAR UNS involvement in several rescue operations proves their volunteer’s capability, readiness, and responsiveness in acting toward accidents or disasters.

In commemorating the Republic of Indonesia (RI) 76th Independence Day on 17th August, uns.ac.id got the opportunity to have a conversation with four Bakorlak SAR UNS volunteers on Sunday (8/8/2021) to learn about their stories and activities. These volunteers are Agung Nugeroho, Ayub, Suprianto, and Hamdan.

The 76th Indonesia Independence Day will have “Indonesia Tangguh Indonesia Tumbuh” (Resilient Indonesia, Growing Indonesia) as a theme. This theme aligns with the spirit of Bakorlak SAR UNS volunteers. What are their experiences? Following are their stories and activities.

Starting from Heart’s Calling

When asked why the volunteers join Bakorlak SAR UNS, all of the four volunteers stated that the heart’s calling guides their volunteering spirit. Agung Nugeroho, the Head of Operation Bakorlak SAR UNS, has joined the unit since 1988 and stated that his educational background does not stop him from servicing the community as a volunteer. The Interior Design Program Faculty of Literature and Fine Arts (FSSR) UNS alumnus stated that he also has a jeep workshop besides volunteering. “But it does not stop my volunteering calls. How (I could do that) I don’t know,” he joked.

Another volunteer, Ayub, also shared a similar story. Starting from his interest in seeing his friends departed to the operation site, Ayub decided to join Bakorlak SAR UNS. The alumnus of the Javanese Language Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS joined Bakorlak SAR UNS in 2012.

Bakorlak SAR UNS Stories and Activities

The other two volunteers, Suprianto and Hamdan, have different backgrounds and not UNS students or alumni because they are graduated from Vocational High School. “It is my heart’s call because I want to help others but when I was young, I have no channels or someone to direct. At the time, I once joined (a group) in Karanganyar then joined Bakorlak SAR UNS,” Suprianto said.

Equipped with Qualified Skills

On the topic of Bakorlak SAR UNS volunteer’s skills in facing accidents or disasters, the volunteers stated that they got various education and training to face difficult situations. The basic education was passed down to their seniors in Bakorlak SAR UNS, who have participated in various terrains in their operation site. At the same time, the training is provided by institutions such as National Disaster Mitigation Board (BNPB), Firefighter (Damkar), and the National Army (TNI).

“I was sent to Basarnas education, BNPD, damkar, something like that. So, we were schooled there. There is a partnership with them,” Ayub explained. This statement is supported by Hamdan, who joined the unit for two years and has an internship status. Hamdan also received basic education from senior volunteers in Bakorlak SAR UNS. He also added that he would use his skills for humanitarian missions to help people around the disaster or accident site. “The standard first, such as swimming and diving, (I am) still learning,” he explained.

Further, Ayub explained that besides equip the volunteers with skills, Bakorlak SAR UNS also held training and assistance for SAR teams from other regions, such as Sukoharjo, Klaten, Boyolali, Sragen, and Wonogiri. This effort aims to prepare the SAR teams in those regions for accidents and disasters to not rely on Bakorlak SAR UNS.

“At the beginning, the seniors relied on us. If there is something happened in Sukoharjo, we departed to Sukoharjo. But now, if something happened in Sukoharjo, they could handle it. If they couldn’t, then we come,” Ayub, Bakorlak SAR UNS public relations officer, explained.

On the volunteers’ individual skills, Ayub said that he has diving skills in all water conditions, rivers, lakes, and dams, and he has A2 diving license. Suprianto also has diving skill, and with his 10 years of experience, Suprianto is used to diverse water conditions.

All Terrains are Operation Areas

Agung Nugeroho said that all terrains faced by volunteers are their operation areas, which means Bakorlak SAR UNS volunteers should be ready all the time. Agung also shared that Bakorlak SAR UNS had been trusted to handle several accidents or disasters in various terrains, including the Palu and Lombok earthquake to Lion Air JT-538 flight that slipped before landing in Adisumarmo Airport in 2004. In the gruesome accident that took 26 lives, seriously injured 55 people, and slightly injured 63 people, Bakorlak SAR UNS was the only SAR team besides the Airforce allowed to enter the site.

Suprianto also shared another rescue story when he experienced a nerve-wracking condition in a water accident rescue. When he was scouring Pepe river to help other SAR teams, he was trapped in water for some time trying to save another SAR member. Luckily, his diving skills saved his life. “It was a waterfall, so the water swirls. Everyone remembers, my friends remember. I was saved because of a friend. Luckily, we learned diving early, so our underwater breathing skill was okay. The swirls keep brought me to the center, and I couldn’t get out, and I always remember I almost (lose) my life,” he said. The story was confirmed by Ayub, who said the accident left a mark in his memory.

Suprianto also shared a vivid memory of Church Composer’s body evacuation in Bengawan Solo river that he did alone. He said that after he received the information from the local community about a body on the water, he hurriedly took his diving equipment and life vest before headed directly to the site. Upon his arrival on the site, he realized that the body was positioned in a difficult position to be evacuated. But the Bakorlak SAR UNS senior was not running out of evacuation ideas. He waited for a while until the body moved into an easier position before evacuated the body.

Bakorlak SAR UNS Stories and Activities

“I was alone. Since I joined Bakorlak SAR UNS for a long time, my number has been spread to the people around the rivers and the bayan (head of hamlet); if there is a finding, (they) could contact me,” he said.

286 Covid-19 Patients Burial

Talking further about his SAR experience, uns.ac.id took an opportunity to ask Suprianto experience as a volunteer for Covid-19 patient burial process in Sragen. He said that, on July 2021 alone, he helped to bury 286 people who died because of Covid-19. The number was overwhelming, to which he added that there was a day when he and his friends buried 42 Covid-19 patients.

“From August to December (2020), we did not count. From December to July, around 600 burials, the record was on July,” he said.

Suprianto, who shared his experience in our report “Covid-19 Funeral Attendant: Bakorlak SAR UNS Member’s Story,” stays in his stance and does not accept incentives. However, Suprianto and the team’s kindness was abused by greedy people to gain money from the patient’s family and the District Government of Sragen, which he truly despised.

“There are (people) who asked (for money) for the volunteers, while we did not get anything. We even made a collection just to eat,” Suprianto said.

Keeping the Fear

After participated in various rescue operations with Bakorlak SAR UNS, Agung Nugeroho stated that fear from the volunteers is normal. He even thinks that it needs to be kept alive because it could act as a control tool, that one’s can’t be too self-confident or too brave. However, he also said that every rescue team he led has a certain psychological impact and uniqueness.

“Fear or fearless, (we need) to keep the fear. Don’t leave fear, don’t be overconfident. If you lose your fear, you lose your control,” he explained.

He said to uns.ac.id that volunteers are expected to have zero accidents and mistakes because he does not want volunteers to lose their lives or be in danger during a rescue operation. “Basically, it is (volunteering spirit) is not an assessment. It is a heart’s calling that everyone has and can execute. Up to them whether they want to take action or not,” he said.

On the 76th Indonesia Independence Day, Agung Nugeroho sends a message that the stories and activities from Bakorlak UNS could strengthen the country and nation unity. He also reminded all volunteers in Bakorlak SAR UNS or other teams to continue learning new knowledge in SAR. Agung Nugeroho wants to be more trained in the field.

“They have a pure intention. And they must have their heart’s calling. Learn more from SAR-related materials to support your activities,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Yefta Christopherus AS
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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