UNS — The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (BEM FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta collaborates with the Foundation for Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh (LAZIS) UNS, in the FKIP Peduli. They shares numbers of iftar snacks for the community who lives around the UNS campus on Tuesday (27/4/2021).

Other than the LAZIS UNS, the BEM FKIP also collaborate with other organizations such as Student Associations in FKIP UNS, namely the Chemistry Education Student Association (HMP Kimia Kovalen), Association of Elementary School Teacher Education Students Surakarta (HIMA PGSD), Javanese Language Education Student Association (HMP Wibawa), and the Guidance and Counseling Education Student Association (Himabiko). The event targeted the homeless, laborers, and becak (pedicab) drivers.

“This activity aims to share takjil (iftar food/snacks) for the community in the surrounding UNS campus, especially for the homeless, laborers, pedicab drivers, and many others. The objective of FKIP Peduli is to increase FKIP students’ concern to the community,” Annisa Dwi Nursanti, as the Coordinating Ministry for Social Affairs BEM FKIP UNS, explains to the uns.ac.id team on Friday (30/4/2021).

The FKIP Peduli series focussed on certain spots such as Jagalan, Stasiun Balapan, Palur, and UNS campus area in Kentingan. After distributing the food, the event concluded with a collective iftar with the student representatives who join the FKIP Peduli. The donations made for the event were collected within a week with totaling Rp. 600.000,00.

Representing her fellow students, Annisa hopes that the event can strengthen the sillaturahim between FKIP students and the community while instilling social values and humanity within the students.

“Hopefully, this event can strengthen the sillaturahim between FKIP students and the surrounding community. We also hope for the next FKIP Peduli to be successful again,” Annisa. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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