UNS — Another breakthrough was introduced by the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) students. They are Tuti Nuruli Adha, Wildah Ma’rifah, Rochima Hanif Iza, Khoiru Nisa, and Violita Cucu Amartya, who joined a team in Student Creativity Program for Community Service (PKM-PM) UNS. Even though coming from different Study Programs, namely Special Education, Psychology, and Interior Design Engineering, the five established an excellent collaboration to create an innovation program for people with deaf disability. The program brought up a topic on career assistance and Planner Book creation, which is expected to reduce career anxiety in the deaf community.

When contacted by the uns.ac.id team, Tuti Nuruli, as the Team Leader, states that Planner Book can reduce career anxiety among deaf students. Their optimism is warmly welcomed, as a teacher from Special School of Speech and Deaf Rehabilitation Foundation (SLB-B YRTRW) Surakarta, known as Sumiyati, S.Pd., appreciates the Planner Book idea. Sumiyati, S.Pd., also wishes that the program can be implemented smoothly.

“The program is received well by Mr. Sutandi, S.Pd, as the Headmaster of the SLB B YRTRW Surakarta, and is expected to run smoothly during the activity,” said Sumiyati, S.Pd.

Career Assistance and Planner Book, Initiative Program from UNS Students to Reduce Career Anxiety for People with Deaf Disability

The Planner Book Program is started with the planner creation and plan filling. At this stage, the students of SLB B YRTRW Surakarta are trained to create a planner book and fill it according to their plan after graduating from high school, either to find a job or to continue their studies. With the plan written, it will be easier for teachers to assist students in their career selection. Tuti Nuruli added that Planner Book and career assistance are the two balanced outputs and need to be done by the education institution.

“This career assistance aims to accommodate students’ concerns on their future career. Moreover, providing career-related material can provide an overview for them to plan their careers from an early age,” Tuti reveals.

Furthermore, Planner Book creation and career assistance can help teachers to understand the problems and obstacles faced by students. These problems are expected to take into the teacher’s consideration in determining the solutions.

“While Planner Book itself is made to help students to plan for their career, learning to manage their time, and building creativity,” Tuti concluded.

The Planner Book Program with numerous advantages is expected to be a sustainable program and can be adapted to the curriculum in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta. Humas UNS

Reporter: Alinda Hardiantoro
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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