Covid-19 Articles

PSJ UNS Held Webinar Discussing Education Readiness amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

UNS — Japanese Study Center (PSJ) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta in collaboration with Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Japan, Persada Solo, and International Association of Indonesian Scientists (I4) held a research webinar. This webinar discussed...

UNS Hospital Clinical Pathology Specialist Answers Doubts about Vaccine Effectiveness Against Omicron

UNS --- Since it was first confirmed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) last Thursday (16/12/2021), Omicron cases in the country have continued to grow. The latest update on Monday (12/27/2021) shows that the number of Omicron cases in Indonesia has...

Preventing the Third Wave, UNS Students Established Covid-19 Disaster Resistant Village

UNS --- The threat of the third wave of Covid-19 is increasingly visible and is worsened with the new Omicron variant that has spread to several countries. In preventing the third wave of Covid-19 in Indonesia, the students of the Geography Education Program, Faculty...

Indonesia Beware of Omicron Variant, Following is the Suggestion from Clinical Pathology Specialist UNS Hospital

UNS --- The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the finding of a new SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 variant or Omicron on Thursday (25/11/2021). This variant was firstly reported in South Africa and currently has spread to several countries such as Saudi Arabia,...