UNS — The Chief of Board of Commissioners (DK) Financial Service Authority (OJK), Prof. Wimboh Santoso, stated that OJK continues to support the growth of Populism based on local potential through relationship program with the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the programs are implemented through programs that expand the local financial access acceleration program, digitalize MSME through marketplace platform, establish micro waqf bank, and fund a program that fosters weak and small economic actors, as well as the informal sector.

Prof. Wimboh explained the programs in the “Developing Pancasila Values Based on Local Wisdom” webinar held by Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Board of Professor, Thursday (25/3/2021). Prof. Wimboh considers that OJK’s actions align with Pancasila’s Economy with all of its noble objectives. To improve people’s welfare through income distribution and equal development and encourage Indonesia’s economic growth while maintaining the national economic stability.

“In developing the national economy, local economic development with its local wisdom is an integral and inseparable part. The strategy to support local economic development is through investment program and economic development based on local potential and culture or local wisdom,” Prof. Wimboh explained

Prof. Wimboh added that this potential should be used to develop the local economy with characteristic differences. Prof. Wimboh also stated that the financial service industry is stable amid the pandemic. However, several challenges need to be managed to maintain the financial service industry’s role in equitable community welfare distribution. MSME and its flexibility and excellence will become the national economic backbone. “For that, OJK and all stakeholders at the central and local government, including non-department and non-ministerial institutions, will continue to support MSME’s sustainability,” he added.

The FEB UNS alumnus stated that the actualization of Pancasila values in various OJK’s duties. In general, Prof. Wimboh said, OJK is in charge of ensuring the implementation of an orderly, fair, transparent and accountable financial services and developing a financial system that is sustainable, stable, and protects consumer and people’s interests.

The first point in Pancasila is implemented through financial sector supervision’s integrity as a form of responsibility to the God Almighty. The second point by creating humanist and humane policies in providing the broadest access for all Indonesian people to improve individual and community quality of life. The third point is implemented through the policies that enhance national economic resilience and sovereignty and increasing financial sector competitiveness at the global and regional level. The actualization of the fourth point is through policies that improve people’s participation in economic development. “The policies are in developing the populist-oriented economic system to meet Indonesian people’s demands and needs,” Prof. Wimboh stated. Lastly, the fifth point’s implementation is in OJK regulation in creating the distribution of development and economic growth to provide the fairest opportunity for all the community.

On this occasion, Prof. Wimboh also delivered his highest appreciation to the UNS Board of Professor, who have managed the webinar. He hopes that Pancasila values can always be implemented in the national and regional economic development.

“With sincerity, heart, and hard works to use Pancasila Indonesia point of views. Apply local wisdom, Indonesia’s wisdom that we call Bhineka Tunggal Ika,” Prof. Wimboh concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Kaffa Hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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