UNS — Civil Engineering Program Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a visiting lecture after Final Semester Examination (UAS). The webinar was held through the Zoom Meeting application and YouTube. Ir. Bremono Widjanarko. President Director of PT. Global Sakti Perkasa and Ir. Isparmo, IPM., Marketing Manager of PT Multibangun Rekatama Patria, were invited as speakers in this webinar. Dr. Bambang Setiawan, a Faculty Member of the Civil Engineering Program, was acting as the moderator for the webinar.

Dr. Techn. Ir. Sholihin As’ad, M.T., delivered an opening remark and opened the visiting lecture event. He stated that Indonesian people could work for the country by implementing developmental projects, either as engineers and non-engineers. “There is almost no civil engineering work that is not affected by geotechnical method,” he said, opening the event on Monday (25/6/2021).

Infrastructure development will always find a question on how to build a highway, station, pier, dam, and other projects. The invited speakers answered this question in this webinar. Ir. Bremono Widjanarko, as the first speaker, discussed the bored pile, a type of foundation that could carry a heavy burden and is often chosen as infrastructure construction these days. He also explained that this foundation could be built manually or using machinery.

Civil Engineering Program UNS Visiting Lecture: The Role and Implementation of Geotechnical Method in Accelerating Infrastructure Development

“This foundation has a function to carry burdens such as building, bridge, and dam. It could also act as a retaining wall and dam,” he added.

Ir. Bremono Widjanarko also explained two types of foundations: deep and shallow foundation, which is adjusted to the types of building and environment. A bored pile is a deep foundation that is appropriate for construction work in the crowded area among the existing buildings. A bored pile is created by drilling soil with a specific diameter until it reaches a predetermined depth. “Then the steel reinforcement that has been assembled is inserted into the drill hole and continued with on-site casting,” he added.

Ir. Isparmo delivered the second material on the geosynthetics method to stabilize soft ground using tensar triax geogrid. The focus of this material is the base soil with CBR lower than 3: soft clay base soil (muddy soil), water-covered swamp base soil, peat moss base soil, and expansive base soil. Several problems that will occur in these types of soil are local subsidence (bumpy roads), difficulty to pass as vehicle tires could experience a slip, local subsidence in the coastal area, difficulty to harden, and swelling volume because material goes through the soft soil.

Civil Engineering Program UNS Visiting Lecture: The Role and Implementation of Geotechnical Method in Accelerating Infrastructure Development

“The less acceptable solution because it is not environmentally friendly is using woods to level the loads,” Ir. Isparmo explained. Further, he stated that this solution is ineffective and suggested using tensar triax geogrid because it is practical, travel-friendly, and easy to install. Triax geogrid locks aggregates, easy to harden, level the loads, reduce loads on the base soil and its expansion, and reduce aggregate thickness.

The event was closed by the Head of Civil Engineering Program, Dr. Niken Silmi Surjandari, who stated that there is no building that does not relate to the soil. She also noted that practitioner and academic collaboration is needed, “And they cannot walk alone,” she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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