UNS — Indonesia International Scientists Association (Ikatan Ilmuan Indonesia Internasional, I-4) in collaboration with the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), organizes the Third I-4 Webinar Session on Thursday (8/7/2021). The webinar was available through the Zoom Cloud Meeting and Youtube Livestream at I-4 Indonesia Official Channel. Previously, in the first and second sessions, the I-4 webinar discussed the Geothermal and Hydrogen Energy topic. Meanwhile, this session discusses the Utilization of Biomass for Future Energy Sources, inviting three experts, Mochamad Soleh, M.Eng., Dr. Eng. Pandji Prawisudha., and Dr. Jundika Candra Kurnia.

“I-4 is an association for Indonesian International Scientist, whose members can both come from Indonesia and International, we have various programs such as seminar in energy and other fields,“ explains Prof. Agus Pulung Sasmito as the Head of Energy Cluster from McGill University, Canada.

The topic for this third webinar is motivated by an issue regarding the prohibition on Electric Steam Power Plants establishment permit, by the government starting in 2025. This prohibition is in line with the provision of the RUPTL 2021-2030 draft. According to Dr. Khasani as an academic member of UGM, this matter brings challenges because coal-based steam power plants have become the main energy source. The plan currently remains as a discourse and brought many pros and cons. This webinar session becomes an exchange media to review the potential and readiness of biomass energy by considering its aspects, which include source material, production technology, business regulations, and many others.

Presenting material entitled Utilization of Biomass/ Waste in Power Plants, Mochamad Soleh, M.Eng., states that the raw material for the bio-energy can be obtained from Biofuel Crops and Plantation, as well as Municipal Solid Waste. Biofuel Crops that widely known as ethanol or bio-diesel, can be obtained from cassava, sorghum, sugarcane, oil palm, Sunan candlenut, and Nyamplung. Meanwhile, Biofuel Plantation can be obtained from Woody Biomass and Agricultural Waste. “Can be produced from rice husk or from palm shells, which is quite popular. The most current one, which still under the trial stage is the empty bunch. We wish to use sugarcane waste in the future,” reveals Mochamad Soleh as the Head of Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Management of PT. Indonesia Power.

Collaborating with UNS and 3 State Universities in Indonesia, I-4 Discuss the Utilization of Bahas Pemanfaatan Biomassa Sebagai Sumber Energi di Masa Depan

Meanwhile, more variation of energy sources can be obtained from the waste. Mochamad Soleh explains that garbage can goes through direct combustion or further processing using mechanical, thermochemical, biochemical, and mechanical biological methods. The process will transform garbages into numerous forms such as solid fuel, liquid fuel, and gaseous fuel. “So, our next challenge, if we wish to use biomass as an energy source, then it must compete with the market,” he added.

Currently, the biomass price in Indonesia is still considerably low. While other products’ prices from the chemical or pharmacy industry are quite high. Therefore, according to Mochamad Soleh, the next challenge is to obtain a sufficient biomass energy source, both quantity-wise and price-wise.

A co-firing method implemented by PT. Indonesia Power and PLN Group, which involves the use of two or more types of fuels within a combustion system. Direct co-firing become the cheapest and most common method, but with only a 5% accommodation rate. “If we implement higher rate co-firing, there will be a problem on the supply-chain and full-handling sector,” Mochamad Soleh states.

Collaborating with UNS and 3 State Universities in Indonesia, I-4 Discuss the Utilization of Bahas Pemanfaatan Biomassa Sebagai Sumber Energi di Masa Depan

Similar information was delivered by Dr. Eng. Pandji Prawisudha. The Coordinator of Research, Innovation, and Community Service, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace, Institut Teknologi Bandung, mentioned that Indonesia has a significantly high biomass potential, which is approximately reaching 4 million tonnes. Rice straw, corn, cassava, palm oil, coconut, sugar cane, and cocoa are the top seven commodities in Indonesia, both from production quantity and waste production. “Palm oil wastes have greater numbers compared to its production quantity. Therefore, we have a huge quantity of waste, which also applies to corn and cocoa,” Pandji Prawisudha explains.

Not only plant waste, but farm waste can also be processed into biomass. The farming industry produces high greenhouse gases, including methane. Moreover, livestock manure can create an even bigger problem. Humas UNS

Reporter: Alinda Hardiantoro
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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