UNS — The Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Prof. Jamal Wiwoho launched four new books to mark his career success and his 60th birthday celebration on Monday (8/11/2021). The launching was held modestly in Prof. Jamal Wiwoho home and was attended by the chairmen of three UNS organs, Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, and Board of Professor, including all Vice-Rectors, Deans, Chief of Institutes, Directors, and Chief of Bureau in UNS, as well as several book authors.

The book launched in the ceremony are “Media Massa dalam Genggaman” (Mass Media in Hands), “Bunga Rampai Rektor PTN Indonesia” (Anthology of Indonesian Public Universities Rectors), “Pembaruan Hukum Indonesia di Era Disrupsi” (Indonesian Legal Reform in the Disruption Era), and “Cahaya Dari Lereng Gunung Merapi” (Lights from Merapi Mountain).

In his opening remark, Prof. Jamal mentioned that these four books have different specialties.

“Bunga Rampai Rektor PTN Indonesia” contains the ideas from 27 Rectors of Public Universities in Indonesia on the strategy to achieve excellent human resources in facing the disruption. Then, “Cahaya Dari Lereng Gunung Merapi” is Prof. Jamal autobiography to his 60 years of age. “The next book, “Media Massa Dalam Genggaman” contains my 60 opinions published in various mass media. (Lastly), “Pembaruan Hukum Indonesia di Era Disrupsi” is the idea from 24 Law Professors in Indonesia to anticipate the political, economic, social, and cultural development,” Prof. Jamal explained.

Commemorating the Career Success, The Rector of UNS Launched Four Books

Accompanied by his beloved wife, Prof. Jamal also shared his journey building a career as a university faculty member, Inspectorate General of Kemenristekdikti, and to be the Rector of UNS. “I am a rural kid from the slopes of Merapi Mountain, but Alhamdulillah, I could become Irjen, Rector of UNS, and Chief of MRPTNI,” he added.

For Prof. Jamal, these four books are his best dedication. He hopes his books could be useful for many people, especially UNS academic members. “In my 60 years old age, I want to give the best. I am sorry for all shortcomings in my books,” Prof. Jamal said.

During the preparation of the books, Prof. Jamal received support from many people, including his family, UNS academic members, and several high state officials. They gave moral supports and preface in Prof. Jamal’s books. The preface in “Media Massa Dalam Genggaman” was written by Minister of State Secretary Prof. Pratikno, Republika Chief Editor Irfan Junaidi, Koran Sindo-Sindonews.com Chief Editor Djaka Susilo, Solo Pos Media Group President Director Arif Budisusilo, Beritasatu.com Chief Editor Aditya Laksmana Yudha, and Lampung Pos President Director Abdul Kohar. In his “Bunga Rampai Rektor PTN Indonesia”, the preface was provided by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia K.H Ma’ruf Amin, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Muhadjir Effendy, and Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali. In “Pembaruan Hukum Indonesia di Era Disrupsi” the Chairman of DPR RI Puan Maharani, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Mahfud MD, and Chairman of Constitutional Court Anwar Usman provided the prefaces.

Commemorating the Career Success, The Rector of UNS Launched Four Books

“In my autobiography, the President, Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment, Pak Luhut, Chairman of MWA UNS and TNI Commander Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto, and Mas Gibran also provided preface,” Prof. Jamal explained.

The dedication and publication of these books proved that Prof. Jamal provides attention to all scholars on the campus to provide a quick response towards the issues faced by Indonesian people and nations with their ideas and academic studies. The books can be ordered online through IG: @bookstoreunspress or FB: uns press with payment through banks transfer to BNI account number 1103191911 a.n. UNS Peduli. All sales of books will be donated to humanitarian charities.

The launching was concluded by a distribution of the books to all participants. Shortly, the books will also be delivered to the President and Vice-Presidents of RI, as well as leaders of high and highest state institutes, ministers in Indonesia Maju cabinet, ambassadors, and Atdikbud, public university rectors, local government, book authors, and other people. Humas UNS

Reporter: Y.C.A. Sanjaya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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