UNS — The Chairman of the Council of Rector of Indonesian State University (CRISU) and the Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, shared his opinion on the news regarding the “fake professor” reported to a rector of one of the private universities in Jakarta, MU.

The coverage started when MU was reported to Polda Metro Jaya by a postgraduate program director in an institute in Sumatra Utara on 24 January, accusing MU of getting his professor illegally. For the report, MU is charged with Article 263 KUHP Jo. Article 69 Law Number 20 of 2003 regarding Sisdiknas Jo. Article 28 paragraph (7) on Article 93 UU Number 12 of 2012 regarding Higher Education. MU also has undergone an examination in Polda Metro Jaya on Monday (28/3/2022).

Responding to the news reporting, Prof. Jamal stated that the legal standing of MU’s professorship should be considered from a normative point of view before moving into other aspects of such a title. In Indonesia, a professorship is granted based on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) RI regulation.

“We see case by case. I need to see the decree; if it is from the Minister, I am sure it is legal,” Prof. Jamal explained in an interview with Kompas Petang Tuesday (29/3/2022).

The Chairman of CRISU added that a professorship from a university could not be easily granted because there are guidelines, stages, and legal basis for the process. The title could be granted through two methods, an academic track for faculty members and a non-academic track for people with exceptional competencies in their field. The first track is regulated in Permendikbud No. 92 of 2014, while the second track is regulated in Mendikbud Ristek Regulation No. 38 of 2021. Honorary professorship itself is a new term in higher education that replaces the previous Professorship for Non-Permanent Faculty Member as regulated in Mendikbud Ristek Regulation No. 38 of 2021, signed on 9 December 2021.

Requirements for Professorship

Prof. Jamal also explained the requirements for achieving a professorship. From the academic track, the requirements are regulated in Article 10 paragraph (1) Permendikbud No. 92 of 2014, including teaching experience as permanent faculty members for at least ten years, holding a doctoral degree, at least three years after receiving their doctoral, at least two years serving as Assistant Professor, and scientific publication in reputable journals as the first author.

As for honorary professorship, the requirements as regulated in Article 2 Mendikbud Ristek Regulation No. 38 of 2021 are: people with exceptional competencies and/or achievements could be granted professorship under the promotion from the leader of the related university, university promoting the professorship has A level accreditation, and Doctorate Program promoting the title also accredited with A.

Going back to MU case, Prof. Jamal stated that it is necessary to review the requirements for the professorship and the accreditation of the program promoting the title. “Thus, (we) need to see from the institution granting (the professorship),” Prof. Jamal added. Humas UNS

Reporter: Y.C.A Sanjaya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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