UNS — The growth of data analysis encourages students of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta to start innovative business. He is Muhammad Zidni Subarkah, a UNS student who founded DatAdvice, a startup in the Data Analytics field.

Zidni is a student of the Statistics Study Program at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) UNS. Founding DatAdvice, the platform offers data consulting and analytics to companies, institutions, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), or individuals.
“For instance, an MSME has sales data, but they are not necessarily can interpret the data. Therefore, DatAdvice offers a solution to find meaningful information from the heap of sales data,” said Zidni to uns.ac.id, Friday (30/12/2022).

Zidni, who was once achieved 5th place as UNS Undergraduate Program Outstanding Student Selection, indeed interested in the data analytics field. Alongside his fellow student, Krisna Sidiq, Zidni often discussed the discrepancies between the number of data experts and the demand for data analytics. Moreover, there are only limited education institutions offering data analytics training programs.

Considering the current situation, Zidni and Krisna, attempted to provide affordable data consulting and analytics through DatAdvice. Other than providing data analytics and consulting, DatAdvice also provides room for personal development, specifically in data analytics.
“We provide courses, Bootcamp, and webinars. Thus, hopefully, there will be more people who understand the significance of data,” he explains.

One of the excellent features we currently develop at DatAdvice is Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based website. This website will provide a chatbot for data consulting. Later, the feature can be accessed by anyone who has a data problem. “Hopefully, this feature can help more people who have difficulty in data interpretation or those who wish to understand their data,” Zidni hopes.

Zidni and the team collaborate with companies and institutions to develop DatAdvice. They will also develop open collaboration with various parties, which aims to introduce knowledge/understanding from a data analyst perspective.

The role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for DatAdvice is currently held by Zidni, with support from his fellow UNS students. DatAdvice is currently managed by Zidni and his friends, namely, Krisna Sidiq as Chief data officer (CDO), Eni Sawitri as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Ghazi Taqiyya Al Anshari as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Nindira Reinata Syahputri and Sangaji Suryo Guritno as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

Zidni’s endeavor to establish DatAdvice to this day bears a meaningful objective. He wants to share knowledge on the significant role of information obtained from a set of data.
“We want to provide affordable data consulting service for everyone, thus, anyone can find insights or solutions from their set of data,” said Zidni. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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