UNS — Entrepreneurship is a matter that received great attention in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program. Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta tries to develop the entrepreneurship culture in its students through Kartacreative sharing sessions with UNS alumni who work as entrepreneurs.

The event initiated by the Director of Academic Reputation and Student Affairs (DRAK) was held on Monday (10/1/2022) in GoTo Room, Solo Techno Park. The sharing session took the theme of “Human Resources Management in Building Business” invited two speakers, Gilang Titah Ramadhan S.I.Kom. and Ridwan Rangga Hanan Prasetya A. Md. P.

Gilang Titah Ramadhan S.I.Kom. is an alumnus of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) who shared materials on managing a business. Gilang explained that Human Resources development is needed in a business to increase its productivity.

“Increasing productivity of our organization and business can be done by developing our employees or human resources,” he stated.

Ridwan, a culinary entrepreneur of Pawon Yu Warni and Peking duck farmer, is also a UNS alumnus who delivered the material in the sharing session attended by around 70 participants from and outside UNS.

Developing Entrepreneurship Climate, DRAK UNS Held Sharing Session with UNS Alumni

After the sharing session, participants had time for a group discussion of their business. The participants actively participated in this session and discussed their business with the speakers. Kartacreative planned to hold a similar event three times a week with open discussions that can be accessed by the community to improve their knowledge on entrepreneurship. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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