UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta hosted the Dual Convocation (Virtual and Face-to-face) III of 2021 on Saturday (26/6/2021). The convocation was set for the Diploma, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Program. This time around, the ceremony shows its uniqueness in the form of the traditional fashion show from all across Indonesia, under the theme of “One Indonesia,” which showcases various traditional outfits from many cultures in Indonesia. Several costumes showcased on the occasion are Garuda costume, Aceh Traditional outfit, Minangkabau, Lampung, Betawi, Jawa, Bali, Dayak, Toraja, Minahasa, NTT, and Papua. This fashion show was represented by 13 (thirteen) graduates from 11 faculties, 1 vocational school, and 1 postgraduate study.

In this Convocation, UNS inaugurates 907 graduates from Postgraduate school (19 graduates ), Vocational School (44 Diploma graduates), FIB (42 graduates), FISIP (70 graduates), FH (140 graduates), FEB (67 graduates), FK (64 graduates), FP (72 graduates), FT (32 graduates), FKIP (255 graduates), FKOR (15 graduates), FMIPA (49 graduates), and FSRD (38 graduates).

The UNS Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Ahmad Yunus, reveals that among the graduates there are 366 students graduated with honor (cumlaude). “The 366 graduates are from Postgraduate school (8 graduates), FIB (16 graduates), FISIP (16 graduates), FH (13 graduates), FH (112 graduates), FEB (33 graduates), FK (2 graduates), FP (12 graduates), FT (7 graduates), FKIP (114  graduates), FKOR (6 graduates), FMIPA (11 graduates), FSRD (13 graduates), and Vocational School (19 graduates),” detailed Prof. Ahmad Yunus in the UNS graduation report.

Dual Convocation III, UNS Shows Archipelago Traditional Fashion Show

Further, Prof. Ahmad Yunus also reveals that other than the graduates with honor, there are also graduates with outstanding achievements, such as the fastest Doctoral graduate Dr. Situ Asih from Cultural Study, who graduated within 2 years and 9 months of the study period. There is also the youngest graduate in Master Study, Santi Oktavia from the Master in Indonesia Language Education Study Program, who earned her Master’s program at 22 years and 6 months old. “The youngest graduate from the Bachelor program, Salman Alfarisy from the Medical Study Program, who was 20 years old when graduated. In the Diploma Program there is Diar Dwi Abrianto from Demographics and Civil Administration Diploma Program, who graduated within 3 years and 9 months,” he revealed.

Before delivering the opening speech, the Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, led a prayer together for the health of the UNS academic members, considering the soaring cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Additionally, Prof. Jamal states that a mindset on staying tough in facing a challenge and leaving the comfort zone must be established early on. “It seems like the biggest challenge to face the transformation is the ability to face adversity and get out of your comfort zone. This mindset is one that needs to be built, especially for the young generation to adapt and facing many changes ahead. In fact, various new life order changes that occurred during the pandemic are an acceleration of future conditions,” remarked Prof. Jamal in his speech.

Prof. Jamal added that as excellent UNS alumni, it is appropriate for graduates to have the ability to conquer anxiety. The pandemic crisis should not become a reason for the young to slump and surrender to the condition. “This should become a momentum of revival to be more creative and innovative, by maximizing the opportunities in front of us,” he added.

Concluding his speech, Prof. Jamal leaves a message for the graduates. “Knocks those heave door often, greet your God. Pray for His blessings and assistances for you to reach your dreams and hope for all of our efforts to release the nation from God’s trial,” Prof. Jamal said. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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