UNS — Nearing the end of 2021, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta adds four new professors in various disciplines. The new professors are: Prof. Dr. Sayekti Wahyuningsih, S.Si. M.Si., Professor in Photocatalyst Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), Prof. Ir. Agung Tri Wijayanta, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., Professor in Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering (FT), Prof. Dr. Agus Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., Profesor in Solar Cell Material Physics FMIPA, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy Triharyanto, M.P., Professor in Horticultural Science at the Faculty of Agriculture (FP). Their inauguration ceremony is scheduled on Wednesday (15/12/2021) in G.P.H. Haryo Mataram Auditorium UNS.

Prof. Dr. Sayekti Wahyuningsih, S.Si. M.Si., is the 241st professor in UNS and 19th professor in FMIPA UNS. Her inauguration ceremony was titled Photocatalyst Material: Challenges and Potential for Development in Indonesia. In her press release, Prof. Sayekti explained that literally, photo means the energy of light, and catalyst means the compound/matter that initiates a reaction. Therefore, the photocatalyst is the reaction that occurs with the help of light. Photocatalyst materials absorb light energy as a source of electronic transition (electron transfer) from the basic to the excitation state. The basic condition of photocatalyst material of semiconductors is the valance band (VB), and the excitation condition is the conduction band (CB).

The photocatalyst technology is a green technology that is appropriate for tropical areas with large sunlight exposure. Prof. Sayekti added that her Inorganic Materials research group focuses on inorganic materials, separation, purification, nano-material synthetic and composite, and inorganic materials functionalizing. These studies then directed for the development of photocatalyst materials, DSSC’s, self-cleaning materials, drug delivery system, and separation technology. “At least three natural sources are developed for photocatalyst materials, iron sand, silica sand, and ilmenite,” Prof. Sayekti explained in a press conference in Ruang Sidang 2 dr. Prakosa Building UNS, Tuesday (14/12/2021).

Prof. Ir. Agung Tri Wijayanta, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., is the 242nd professor in UNS and 19th professor in FT UNS. His inauguration speech was titled The Role of Thermofluids Science in Improving Thermal Performance Towards Environmentally Friendly Energy Saving. Prof. Agung explained that the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported in the Outlook Energy 2021 that currently, 30% of global energy is consumed by housing and commercial buildings. High-rise building consumes around 60% of global electrical energy for air conditioning and water heater that consume a higher amount of electrical energy.

In the context of Indonesia, Prof. Agung explained that the increase in population and improved infrastructure would lead to an increase in demand for air conditioning and energy consumption. This condition, combined with the fluctuating electricity consumption, causes complicated power supply production from renewable sources such as solar panels and winds turbines. Thus, the dependence on fossil fuels will continue to grow. However, the government has declared the development of Energy Mix from 5% of 166 MTOE (Million tonnes of oil equivalent) in 2015 from renewable energy sources to 31% from 1.012 MTOE in 2050.

Thermofluids, Prof. Agung’s expertise, discusses the flow of fluids, its energy content, and its movement in the flow after considering environmental sustainability. “Sustainability with positive impact and environmentally friendly is vital. Thus, with my fellows in Mechanical Engineering Program, we established a Sustainable Thermofluids research group in 2016 to study the main supporting knowledge comprehensively, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics. These are essentials for Mechanical ENgineering,” Prof. Agung explained.

Further, Prof. Agung explained that thermofluids could become an alternative to energy-saving and achieving environmentally friendly sustainable energy. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, thermofluids is also expected to be a successful effort in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030 to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. “Thermofluids knowledge, again contributed in a real science is our expectation, taking a role in Indonesia energy resilience while considering the environmentally friendly aspect,” Prof. Agung added.

End of Year, UNS Adds Four Professors

Prof. Dr. Agus Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., is the 243rd professor in UNS and 20th professor in FMIPA UNS. He delivered an inauguration speech on The Role of DSSC-Based Solar Cell Material in New Renewable Energy Innovation Towards Energy Transition. The speech was based on the challenges on energy, environmental, and security issues that will be faced by Indonesia. The energy transition towards the Net Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060 or earlier is Indonesia’s commitment to transforming its economy based on clean and sustainable renewable energy sources. One of the four agreed points in The Conference of Parties (COP)-26 di Glasgow Scotland focuses on energy transition and environmentally friendly processes, demanding Indonesia to reduce its carbon emission while increasing its energy production. To achieve this objective, a concept of energy transition that replace fossil-based fuels and provide environmentally friendly energy sources that reduce greenhouse emission needs to be mapped.

Solar cells are a tool that converts energy from sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. The first generation of solar cells was made from silicon and germanium or inorganic solar cells (SSA), followed by the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) as an alternative for sunlight energy conversion to electrical energy. DSSC received increasing research interest recently because it applied the photosynthesis concept in plants. This process converted sunlight into chemical energy in which the generated electrons are targeted to acceptors.

However, despite the increasing interest from the research community, the development of DSSC into prototypes needs further studies and standardized assessment of the characteristics of the transparent solar cell. Prof. Agus also mentioned that a multidisciplinary approach is essential in this study, and inter-institutions collaboration is needed to develop a transparent solar cell prototype. “Especially in combining the science and technology and the advantages of natural potentials in creating added values for nanotechnology and economic fields.” Prof. Agus also emphasized that the opportunity for novelty, research, journal publication, and patent are widely available for DSSC solar cell technology.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy Triharyanto, M.P., is the 244th professor in UNS and 37th professor in FP UNS. He delivered an inauguration speech on The Role of Planting Materials in Improving Horticultural Productivity and Quality. Horticultural is a combination of science, technology, arts, and economy as a branch of agronomy with four types olericulture (vegetable plants), pomology or fruticulture (fruit plants), floriculture (flower plants), and biopharmaceuticals (herbal plants). Modern horticultural farming developed based on the scientifical development that produce technology to produce and handle horticultural commodities in generating economic benefits.

Horticultural products have high demand and diverse product variety. From fresh to processed products because these products provide essential nutrients for people. To meet the standard from the World Health Organization (WHO), fruit consumption per capita should be higher than 200 grams or 50 Kcal per day and 250 grams or 62.5 Kcal per day for vegetables. In the case of Indonesia, fruit consumption is far below the WHO standard, with an increase of 15% in the last ten years from 39.44 Kcal to 45.37 Kcal. A similar condition is reported on vegetable consumption with an average of 29 to 39 kcal per person per day.

“Generally, in horticultural farming, the selection of high-quality planting material is the key to success in increasing the productivity and quality of horticultural products. Therefore, developing the national seeding industry should receive more attention from all parties,” Prof. Eddy stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Dwi Hastuti

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