UNS — Fifty alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta participated in writing their inspirative stories in “Kisah Inspiratif 50 Alumni Fakultas Pertanian UNS” (Inspiring Stories of Faculty of Agriculture UNS Alumni) launched on Tuesday (21/12/2021) in the National Seminar “Indonesia Agricultural Outlook 2022” held by FP UNS.

The book was initiated by Dr. Agung Wibowo, S.P., M.Si., who stated that the book is a means of knowledge and experience transfer from the alumni that could inspire FP UNS students and as a form of togetherness among FP UNS alumni.

“In this occasion, the Faculty of Agriculture launched Kisah Inspiratif 50 Alumni who have served in corners of the country from various professions and business. Hopefully, the book also assists in building solidarity among the alumni from Sabang to Merauke,” Dr. Agung, Vice-Dean for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs FP UNS, stated.

The Dean of FP UNS Prof. Ir. Dr. Samanhudi, S.P., M.Si., IPM, ASEAN Eng., stated that the book is also a flashback on FP UNS histories. The book could bring their readers to remember the transformation of FP UNS from time to time.

“This history gave a clear description on various aspects, such as technological development, governmental system, to social and cultural behavior in the community. The happy and sad stories as students of the Faculty of Agriculture is an exciting part of this book,” Prof. Saman explained.

The launching received warm welcome from UNS Alumni Association Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (IKA). The Secretary-General of Central IKA UNS, Drs. Bambang Dwi Wahyudi stated that the launching reflected the quality of FP UNS alumni and hoped that this step could be applied by other faculties.

Faculty of Agriculture UNS Launched 50 Alumni’s Inspiring Stories

“The highest appreciation for the Faculty of Agriculture UNS for the success in shaping its students to the workplace in various sectors in this republic. We extend our gratitude to all FP UNS alumni who have been serving and becoming a leader for all UNS alumni that could be implemented by other faculties,” he stated.

Fifty alumni involved in the preparation of the book come from a different year, including Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs UNS, Prof. Dr.Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S.; Prof. Dr.Ir. Endang Siti Rahayu, M.S.; Ir. Winarhadi; Prof. Dr. Ir. Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti, M.Si.; Dr. Ir. Maman Suherman, M.M, and many others. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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