UNSThe Faculty of Information Technology and Data Science (Fatisda) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, in collaboration with National Chung Hsing University Taiwan, Rapixus Taiwan, and Solo Technopark, organized the Cyber Security Training 2024 on Tuesday (28/5/2024). The event was held in response to the growing importance of cybersecurity in the digital age, as it has become a top priority for organizations worldwide.

The training took place at the Cybersecurity Hub, located on the second floor of the Solo Trade Center in Solo Technopark. Participants included employees from eight local government agencies from the cities of Solo, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, Sragen, Ngawi, Grobogan, Semarang, and Madiun, attending the two-day training session.

The Cyber Security Training 2024 was inaugurated by the Dean of Fatisda UNS, Drs. Harjana, M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. The event was also attended by Heny Ermawati, S.H., M.Hum., from the Surakarta City Communication, Informatics, Statistics, and Encryption Agency, and the Head of the UNS Information and Communication Technology Technical Implementation Unit (UPT TIK), Prof. Drs. Bambang Harjito, M.App.Sc., Ph.D.

Heny Ermawati expressed her appreciation for the collaboration between the Surakarta City Government and the two universities in realizing this cybersecurity training. She emphasized the importance of information security in the fundamental operations of government. Heny cited the frequent appearance of online gambling advertisements on government websites as an example.

“This event is beneficial for protecting the infrastructure owned by each city and regency. Effective protection can support our daily tasks,” Heny said.

In his remarks, Drs. Harjana, M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., compared the rapid development of technology to Newton’s Second Law, where every action has an equal and opposite reaction. He highlighted that as technology advances, so do hacking and data theft techniques. Cybersecurity has become a global issue, affecting all sectors, including government. He expressed hope that the Cyber Security Training 2024 would be the beginning of ongoing collaborative activities.

“We hope this collaboration continues beyond this event. Cybersecurity training like this is essential for protecting data. Given the rapid development, participants need at least a basic understanding,” Drs. Harjana, Ph.D. stated.

Winarno, S.Si., M.Eng., a lecturer in the Informatics undergraduate program at Fatisda UNS, began the session with a comprehensive theoretical explanation. His material covered crucial aspects of cybersecurity, including attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Winarno detailed various types of cyberattacks, such as malware, phishing, and ransomware, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and effectively addressing system vulnerabilities.

“A good system is not only one that functions well but also one that can withstand various attacks,” Winarno said.

The first day’s training continued with a practical session on CompTIA Security++ led by Bagus Setiawan, S.Si. This session provided participants with the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge through simulations and hands-on exercises, reinforcing their understanding of security protocols and data protection techniques.

“Hands-on practice is crucial for truly understanding how security concepts are applied in real-world situations. Through these exercises, participants become better prepared to face cybersecurity challenges in the workplace,” Bagus said.

Participants showed great enthusiasm, configuring various security settings and conducting attack simulations to learn how to protect their systems effectively. The direct interaction with instructors and fellow participants offered a deeper and more collaborative learning experience.

The second day of training focused on introducing and practicing the use of the RapixEngine system, an innovative product from Rapixus. This session was led by IT expert Ievan Anthonio T., who provided an overview of RapixEngine and explained its advanced features for enhancing information system security. Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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