UNS — The tourism sector started to revive after the Covid-19 infection curve in Indonesia is flattening down. This opportunity attracted many tourism destination managers to promote their region to visitors, including several areas with tourism potential that start opening their region for tourism activities such as Puntukrejo Village, Ngargoyoso Subdistrict, Karanganyar District.

The village has a prospective tourism destination that offers the natural beauty of the foot of Lawu Mountain, The Lawu Fresh. However, the destination has not offered significant differentiation from other tourism destinations. Puntukrejo Village also has Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) potential that has not been optimally developed due to the challenges in the marketing process and branding through its simple packaging.

Concerned with this condition, a student team from the Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, had the initiative to develop the MSMEs and tourism destination in the village. Their community service program was implemented by the members of Student Association for Study and Research (KSP) Principium: Muhammad Ainurrasyid Alfikri, Aditya Tri Wijaya, Aldi Rizki Khoiruddin, Alizza Khumaira Assyifa, Hanif Alwan Mumtaz, Ika Putri Wijayanti, Jelita Kristi Agape, Petrus Kanisius Eko Kristanto, Ragil Listyaningrum, Widyasari Rizki Ananda Rahmadewi, and Yusriel Bachrie.

The program was a part of the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) funded by the Directorate General of the Belmawa Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). The program was also the implementation of the higher education Tri Dharma and Merdeka Belajar program that tries to implement independent learning through a direct project in the community.

The program titled Indian’s Lawu and MSME Edutour in Puntukrejo Village was officially launched on Tuesday (27/20/2021) in HIK Lawu, Karanganyar. The launch ceremony was attended by the Head of Tourism, Youth, and Sports Office of Karanganyar District, Drs. Titis Srijawoto mentioned support for the students and village government in his opening remark. He also hoped that UNS students would continue to have a high spirit in building a partnership in developing the village. “Including village potentials such as the tourism potential,” he stated.

FH UNS Students Launched Lawu Creative Tourism and Edutour Puntukrejo MSMEs

The ceremony was also attended by the Vice-Dean for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs FH UNS, Dr. Isharianto, S.H., M.H., who shared how delighted he is with the development of the village and his supports for students and their partner village. “We always support PHP2D Team FH UNS because this event is a part of Merdeka Belajar promoted by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology,” he stated.

Before the launching ceremony, the Team, Ngargoyoso Village government, MSMEs, Village-owned business (Bumdes), Jeep group, and other village elements had worked together for four months. During the process, the Team held business and marketing training in the 4.0 digital era with all MSMEs in the Puntukrejo Village government. Under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Rustamaji S.H. M.H. and Rysca Indreswari S.Pt., M.Si., the Team also has successfully integrated the tourism and MSMEs in Puntukrejo into Edutour MSMEs that combine the jeep and MSMEs’ production potential. The Team maintains close communication among the related parties and promotes the Edutour program through a creative video shared on various social media such as YouTube, Instagram, and Tiktok.

Indian’s Lawu is creative and educative camping in The Lawu Fresh, which has been visited by many tourists to take pictures with Indian-related background. This creative tourism program is then integrated into a tourism package.

Besides the launching ceremony, the event also included an MoU signing ceremony between the Team and the Tourism, Youth, and Sports Office of Karanganyar District and collaboration between FH UNS and the Ngargoyoso Village government. The participants in the event were also entertained with local ‘tek-tek’ music and Indian dances from the local children. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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