UNSThe Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta had the opportunity to hold a workshop on Scientific Journal Writing. The event was conducted in a hybrid format via Zoom Meeting and in person at the Tower Ballroom of UNS on Thursday (25/4/2024).

On this occasion, Prof. Sam Pack, an expert and professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kenyon College, Ohio, United States of America (USA), served as the main speaker, accompanied by Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S., M.A., as the moderator for the discussion and deliberation.

Interest in writing articles for publication in international journals still remains low, making workshops like this crucial in boosting the capabilities and interest of students and academics alike. This activity is one form of UNS’s implementation in becoming a center for the development of science, technology, and art at the international level.

The workshop began with opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Tri Wiratno, M.A., the Vice Dean of FIB UNS, followed by a session on the main material by Prof. Sam.

Interest in writing articles requires paying attention to the primary aspect of selecting suitable articles. “There are many journal options, but choose those with high credibility. Additionally, avoid predatory journals. Seek references that are typically read,” Prof. Sam said.

Prof. Sam stated that the structure of an article includes an introduction that starts with introducing the topic to be discussed, followed by the problems within the article and a highly specific thesis. The next structure involves the literature review, which includes several previous studies. Next is the research methodology. For Prof. Sam, it is important to organize the data by explaining how the research data was obtained. The main content of the publication article should focus on the results or discussions regarding the issues presented at the beginning of the introduction. Finally, a researcher must conclude their discussion clearly.

“To determine the results, the collected data must be written on small pieces of paper. The next step is to disqualify this data, grouping it based on its relevance to the theory until it narrows down to the three most recurring groups: main opinions, supporting opinions, and driving opinions,” he explained in discussing how to process qualitative data as supporting material for research through the disqualification technique.

Prof. Sam also provided several tips for composing an article, such as creating a writing framework for the article. This framework outlines the discussion topics to be addressed and discussed. After that, gather various constructive feedback. The next step is to find a writing group that builds on each other’s ideas and is responsible for pouring out discussion ideas. Another suggestion is to maintain the authenticity of the writing. He also believes that a writer must be persistent and resilient in the face of all temptations.

During the question-and-answer session, the enthusiasm of students and academics was evident in their active participation, asking Prof. Sam about the difficulties in composing articles, the obstacles they are facing, or seeking solutions through his answers.


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