UNS — Muflih Dwi Fikri, a student of International Relations Program (HI) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta won 2nd Prize in Startup Category of Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMI) (Indonesian University Student Entrepreneurship) Expo XII 2021. The competition was held by Universitas Brawijaya in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

KMI Expo XII 2021 is the peak of Program Akselerasi Startup Mahasiswa Indonesia (ASMI) (Indonesia University Student Startup Acceleration Program) that provides an opportunity for all Indonesian university students to participate in various types of entrepreneurship events. KMI Expo XII 2021 was held through hybrid media, offline and online, this year. The online and offline participation was managed directly by Kemendikbudristek, in which Muflih was scheduled to participate through an online platform.

Muflih won over 350 teams from various universities in ASMI Program and passed into the Best 50 Teams that participated in the KMI Expo XII 2021 and received funding from Kemendikbudristek. The fund is used to develop a startup system starting from its program to the financial management. In an interview with the uns.ac.id team on Monday (29/11/2021), Muflih explained that the funding is provided for all startups in the incubation process, and they were asked to report their activities funded using the grant, the development, progress, income, and partnership improvements. He added that the incubation period is the time provided for them to prepare their business presentation for the grand final.

“We presented (our business in KMI Expo XII 2021). The preparation for KMI Expo XII 2021 was preparing presentation material for the business. The challenge was on running the business to grow big and fast,” Muflih said.

In the KMI Expo XII 2021, Muflih proposed a startup business that he started in September 2020, Global Millenial Group, a platform that focuses on informal education. His platform provided various self-development programs with affordable prices, such as digital marketing class, entrepreneur class, public relation class, and public speaking class. In total, the platform offers around 28 – 30 programs that are easily accessible. Muflih explained that the platform was inspired by the experience of participating in conferences and digital classes that are usually pricey and only accessible for certain people.

“So, we infused technology factor there; we build our website, our system, and other parts. We also reduced the costs so that we provide programs at a lower price and affordable for all. But we also try to ensure the quality,” he added.

FISIP UNS Student Won 2nd Prize in KMI Expo XII 2021

Global Millenial Group that he started with his friends received positive responses and since April 2021 has had a legal entity under the name of PT. Global Millenial Group. The business itself is perfect to be submitted in KMI Expo XII 2021 that requires the business program submitted to be running for at least six months. “The startups are encouraged to scale up and grow,” he said.

Muflih said that he did not expect that his team would win the competition. He also stated that he was delighted with the result because their main objective was to build networking and learn new knowledge from the program and training provided. He also emphasized that he and his team will not stop and will continue developing their business to provide inclusive education for Indonesian people that open new employment.

“We want to be as big as Ruang Guru, Zenuis, and other education startups. We also have a dream to be the next unicorn of education startup in Indonesia,” Muflih said. Humas UNS

Reporter: Alinda Hardiantoro
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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