UNS — Faculty of Medical Science (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a community cycling event entitled ‘Fun Bike’ on Thursday (26/5/2022). The event is part of the Medical Fiesta 2022 opening series organized by the Faculty of Medical Science (FK) UNS, marking the end of the 46th UNS Anniversary Celebration. The cycling takes the route from UNS Hospital (RS UNS) and finishes at FK UNS, and is led directly by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, SH, M.Hum., together with the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K)., and the Director of UNS Hospital, Prof. Dr. Hartono, as well as enlivened by 14 participants from the Specialist Doctor Education Programs (PPDs) FK UNS.

In his remark, Prof. Jamal also expressed his appreciation for the Medical Fiesta 2022 organization by FK UNS as the final activity to enliven the 46th UNS Anniversary. “I am grateful to the committee that prepared the event excellently and highly appreciate the event for its variety and lively activities. We even see 46 beautiful Gambyong dancers. Let’s support the 46 Gambyong Ayun-ayun dancers,” said Prof. Jamal.

The Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Reviono, said that Medical Fiesta 2022 was the closing activity in the 46th UNS Anniversary celebration series at the faculty level. This activity aims to meet academic needs, consisting of sports and art activities. Medical Fiesta 2022 consists of band competitions, healthy and creative gymnastics competitions, futsal competitions, stand-up comedy competitions, photography competitions, and webpage writing competitions that are attended by all FK UNS academic members.

“From the implementation of the Medical Fiesta 2022, we can feel FK UNS spirit in enlivening the 46th UNS Anniversary. I thank those who have worked so hard that allowed this event went smoothly,” said Prof. Reviono. Humas UNS

Reporter: Erliska Yuniar Purbayani
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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