UNS — The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta signed Higher Education Tri Dharma in collaboration with Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in the Master Program of Teacher Education and Elementary School Program (PGSD). The benchmarking and signing ceremony was held in Ruang Sidang I Building A FKIP UNS on Thursday (24/3/2022).

UPI entourage consisted of Director UPI Tasikmalaya, the Head of Master Program in PGSD UPI Tasikmalaya, UPI Quality Assurance, UPI Cibiru and Tasikmalaya Faculty Members, and staff and students. The visit was welcomed and attended by the FKIP executive board, the Head of Master Program in PGSD, Quality Control Unit (GKM), Faculty Members, and Sub-Coordinators.

In his opening remark, Prof. Slamet Subiyantoro, M.Si., as Vice-Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs at FKIP UNS, explained that FKIP UNS has the FKIP BAGUS slogan. The Vice-Dean also welcomed the entourage from UPI Cibiru and UPI Tasikmalaya.

“Welcome to FKIP BAGUS, in Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, and our gratitude to all representatives from UPI Cibiru and Tasikmalaya for visiting us, our greeting to our fellow in UPI who could not join us today,” Prof. Slamet stated.

FKIP UNS Signed Higher Education Tri Dharma Collaboration with UPI

Prof. Slamet Subiyantoro also stated that the collaboration is expected to benefit FKIP UNS and UPI to learn together in equality.

In his opening remark, Prof. Dr. Nandang Rusmana, M.Pd., the Director of UPI Tasikmalaya, stated that the benchmarking activity and collaboration were encouraged by developing the Master Program in PGSD in UPI Tasikmalaya and Cibiru. He added that the visit aims to learn how FKIP UNS manages its master’s program. “Because we know FKIP UNS has opened Master Program in PGSD before us,” Prof. Nandang stated.

FKIP UNS Signed Higher Education Tri Dharma Collaboration with UPI

The welcoming remark from each university was followed by a signing ceremony and sharing session on Master Program in PGSD and a discussion session led by Dr. Riyadi, M.Si. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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