UNS — The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS) Surakarta welcomed a benchmarking visit from the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education Science (FIP) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). The entourage from FIP UNY was welcomed directly by the Dean of FKIP UNS, Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., the Head of FKIP UNS Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Munawir Yusuf, M.Psi., and all Vice-Deans and members of FKIP UNS Academic Senate in Ruang Sidang I Building A FKIP UNS on Friday (4/2/2022)

The visit aims to learn about the management and academic system at FKIP UNS which currently holds the status of Autonomous University (PTNBH). The benchmarking program was opened by sharing the FKIP UNS profile and FKIP UNS Academic Senate governance. In his opening remark, Dr. Mardiyana M.Si., welcomed FIP UNY Head of Senate and all the entourages.

“As the representatives from FKIP UNS we welcomed the Head of Senate and all Senate Members of the Faculty of Education Science Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta,” Dr. Mardiyana stated.

Dr. Mardiyana also explained the short profile of FKIP UNS and introduced the Vice-Deans and Sub-Coordinators in FKIP UNS. In his presentation, Dr. Mardiyana also explained the vision and missions of FKIP UNS BAGUS, followed by the 47 programs that consist of 24 bachelor programs, 17 master programs, five doctoral programs, and Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program. The Dean also mentioned that the faculty has 31 professors, 84 associate professors, 131 senior lecturers, 192 faculty members with a doctorate, 66 lecturers, and 69 teaching staff, with a total of 381 faculty members, 127 academic staff, and around 10,000 students.

FKIP UNS Welcomed Benchmarking from FIP UNY

In administering the education process FKIP UNS is supported by the Unit Education Development Center (EDC), Quality Assurance Unit (UPM), School Introduction (PLP), and the Coordinator for Research and Community Service Program (KPPPMF). At the end of his introduction, Dr. Mardiyana hoped that the benchmarking program could benefit and improve both parties.

On this occasion, Prof. Munawir also introduced all members of the FKIP UNS Academic Senate and its governance, regulation, and transition to PTNBH, the function of the Academic Senate, and the FKIP UNS Academic Senate authority in the PTNBH era. The program was followed by a remark from the Head of FIP UNY Senate, Prof. Dr. Anik Gufron, M.Pd., who thanked FKIP UNS for the warm welcome. “As the Head of Senate and representative from all FIP UNY Senate members, thank you for the warm welcome for us,” Prof. Anik stated.

FKIP UNS Welcomed Benchmarking from FIP UNY

Prof. Anik explained that their visit aims to maintain partnership and learn from FKIP UNS Academic Senate governance to prepare UNY towards PTNBH. Prof. Anik also introduced her team, and the program was concluded with an exchange of tokens of appreciation between the institutions. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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