UNS — Amid the Eid Al’Fitr occasion 1442 Hijriah, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a Halalbihalal on Tuesday (18/5/2021). The annual event was held offline and online in Building C Hall FMIPA UNS and through the Zoom Cloud Meeting. FMIPA executive board attended the offline event, while UNS executive board, FMIPA faculty members, academic staff, students, and alumni attended the online meeting.

This year silaturahmi took “With the Spirit of Ramadan and Eid Al’Fitr, Cleanse Heart, Strengthen Silaturahmi to be Professional Individual supporting World-Class UNS PTNBH”. Muhammad Tema Rizan Mumtaza, a student of the Informatics Program of 2018 and the President of Student Executive Board (BEM) FMIPA UNS, opened the event with Al-Qur’an recitation.

The Chairman of FMIPA UNS Alumni Association, Imam Bustomi S.Si., M.M., in his remark, emphasized the importance of benefits others. He also explained the importance of being grateful, forgiving, and praying. Drs. Harjana, M.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Dean of FMIPA, delivered the following remark and invited the attendees to face the future with a more optimistic view.

“Let’s collect good intention and work sincerely, and let’s cleanse our heart. We welcome our future with more spirit and optimism to advance our lovely faculty, FMIPA, and UNS in general,” Harjana stated.

In his remark, the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., in his remark, stated that Ramadan spirit taught humans of discipline and invited the attendee to continue disciplined themselves to develop UNS in the future. “Therefore, let’s discipline ourselves in this Eid,” Prof. Jamal said.

FMIPA UNS Halalbihalal: Cleanse Hear and Strengthen Silaturahmi to be Professional Individual

Ustaz Dr. H. Jon Pamil, M.A., from Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau delivered a religious speech on the importance of gratefulness with heart, lips, and use the gift according to Allah regulation. Real gratefulness meets these three criteria. Ustaz Jon Pamil added that fasting is a way to prevent immoral behaviors. Fasting is a fort for the soul and human faces immoral behavior potential at the office, bedroom, and other places from their eyes, ears, feet, arms, and other body parts.

“If for a month human heart was protected from immoral behaviors, they will be pure. Clean soul or heat will bring sincere charity. Sincere charity will bring ihsan,” Ustaz Pamil explained.

Ihsan will make a person worship and work better because they feel that Allah SWT observed their behaviors. Thus, ihsan will bring itqan (professionalism), which is needed in all jobs, as a great spirit. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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