UNS — Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held the Selection for Excellent Student (Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi  – Pilmapres). This event aims to select two representatives from FMIPA to compete at the university level. Pilmapres FMIPA UNS was held online through the Zoom Cloud Meeting application.

The event had four selection stages, the selection at the program level, which select two representatives from each program. The selected representatives were asked to submit portfolio documents to the faculty. The Best Five selected from the faculty level selection are Millenia Trias Puspa from Chemistry Program 2018, Fatata A’izza Rosyada from Mathematics Program 2018, Muhammad Zidni Subarkah from Statistics Program 2019, Krisna Sidiq from Mathematics Program 2019, and Enna Hasna Ainun from Physics Program 2019. The five finalists presented their creative idea in English during the final round. Based on their presentations, Millenia Trias Puspa and Fatata A’izza Rosyada were selected to represent FMIPA in university Pilmapres.

Fatata, one of the representatives, admitted that she was interested in the event because her seniors inspired her. “From (my) early student days, I was interested in participating in the Pilmapres selection because I saw the career and experience of my seniors because they are cool and benefit (others) if they joined UNS Mawapres group,” she said. Fatata also admitted that she was discouraged because she thought Mawapres participants were excellent in terms of achievements and soft skills. Therefore, she did not expect that she could represent FMIPA. “Alhamdulillah, this year I have the opportunity to learn from Pilmapres,” she added to the uns.ac.id team.

The FMIPA Pilmapres was announced in the Student Executive Board (BEM) of FMIPA UNS on Saturday – Tuesday (1-4/5/2021) for program selection and Wednesday – Saturday (5-15/5/2021) for the faculty selection. Friday (7/5/2021) is the deadline for portfolio submission and announcement of the Best Five who will deliver their creative idea. The creative idea presentation was held on Monday (10/5/2021), and on Tuesday (11/5/2021), the winners were announced. The juries for this event were Ahmad Marzuki, S.Si., Ph.D., Dr. Winita Sulandari, S.Si., M.Si., and Dr. rer.nat Maulidan Firdaus.

At the end of the interview, Fatata reminded her fellow students that all activities should be used as media to do good for others, to continue working, enjoy the process, and take action. “If you get the prize and other stuff, that is a bonus,” Fatata concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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