UNS — Students from the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta represented Indonesia at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland. Dewa Putu Adhi Nugraha Anom, a final semester student of the Food Science and Technology Study Program (ITP) UNS, representative Indonesia in the COP26 conference, which lasted for about two weeks and was attended by representatives from various countries.

Dewa, who is active in the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) organization, also exchanged ideas in the various series of activities in Scotland. The FP student promoted his idea on the agriculture sector and its impact on climate change.

“I focus on participating in agriculture-related events, youth, capacity building, negotiation, public speaking, and building relationships with youth from various other countries to facilitate collaboration in international activities. I also raise local community awareness on food waste and its impact on climate change, required actions, and all related facts to improve community’s responsibility and awareness toward their consumption,” said Dewa.

FP UNS Students Represent Indonesia at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland

During the conference, which took place on 31 October-12 November 2021, Dewa, who was the IAAS delegate, focused more on the 12th and 13th points of the Sustainable Development Goals. The two points are deal with responsible consumption and production, as well as climate change.

“In my opinion, we need contributions from all people in each country to contribute to achieving COP objectives. Hopefully, the global youth will be given more access to express their aspirations to find the applicable solutions that can be implemented by everyone around the world regardless of geographical conditions, culture, and so on,” he added.

As an agriculture student, he believes that, in the future, agriculture can be the main focus of the climate change tagline. This is because, in 2050, the human population will reach 10 billion. This condition means more food will be needed; thus, more forest will be converted into agricultural land.

FP UNS Students Represent Indonesia at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland

“We hope that through the COP, there will be numerous applicable solutions, such as urban farming and vertical farming that can save land in supplying food,” added Dewa.

Dewa admitted that he was thrilled and proud to take part in this conference organized by the United Nations (UN). Additionally, he can explore various knowledge, convey his aspirations, and exchange ideas with multiple participants worldwide.

“This is an extraordinary experience as I traveled abroad not for vacation, but diplomacy matter. Moreover, this is the first time for me to go abroad and at once I must travel on a flight which lasts more than 19 hours. I am happy and proud to represent Indonesia, displaying Indonesian culture as well because here I wear traditional Balinese clothes,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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