UNS — Karsa Cipta Student Creativity Program Team (PKM-KC) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, creates Fruit Audio Aroma, innovation in learning media for children who are blind. Through adequate research, the PKM-KC FKIP UNS Team, the Fruit Audio Aroma media is established following the characteristics and requirements for people with blind disability, such as having 3D form, supported with audio information, fruity scent, and braille script.

The Fruit Audio Aroma 3D innovative media delivers a 3D fruits model with audio explanation in three languages Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Javanese. The audio information is stored in cloud storage media in Google Drive and is provided in a QR Code form. The QR code can be scanned to retrieve the audio description. Another feature provided by the Fruit Audio Aroma is the distinctive fruity aroma from the fruity perfume and the braille letters engraved on the media base.

Under the supervision of Dr. Septi Yulisetiani, M.Pd., the PKM-KC team has five members, namely, Egita Widya Astuti from Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) Surakarta, Isnaini Nur Rohmatun from PGSD Surakarta, Ayu Resti Eka Pratiwi from History Education Study Program, Dewi Wahyu Nugrahani from Javanese Language Education Study Program, and Danang Pamarsudi Lastomo from Special Education Study Program.

“The objective of Fruit Audio Aroma is to solve learning problems for Children with a blind disability when learning about fruit characteristics and kinds of fruit. Using this media, we can enhance their touch, hearing, and smell sensitivity in blind children. Additionally, the media can be utilized to teach language diversity to blind children,” said Egita as the Team Leader to the uns.ac.id team.

Fruit Audio Aroma, Learning Media for Disable Community by UNS Students

The Head of PGSD Surakarta Study Program, Dr. Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, S.Pd., M.Si., states, “The idea is innovative and creative because it combines and optimizes the sensitivity of all senses except the sense of sight. Therefore, it is expected to facilitate children to learn and understand the material.”

Dr. Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo also supports learning media development, especially for people with blind disabilities, which are usually underdeveloped. “Leaning Media is essential because it serves as tools to convey material in order to achieve learning objectives,” said Dr. Idam Ragil.

The Fruit Audio Aroma Media is presented to the board of jury on Saturday (11/9/2021). Dr. Septi Yulisetiani, M.Pd., hopes that the initiative can be beneficial for the education sector and helping the team to the 34th Pimnas. “Hopefully, the creation of Fruit Audio Aroma as learning media for children with blind disability can be useful for the education sector and bring the team to Pimnas 34,” said Dr. Septi Yulisetiani, M.Pd. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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