UNS — The splendor of Ramadan was echoed by Islamic Ukhuwah and Study Forum (FUSI) Faculty of Agriculture (FP) UNS. This effort was implemented through online Karisma#1 (Kajian Rutin Bersama #1) (Routine Collective Study) on Sunday (2/5/2021).

In its first event, Karisma brought the theme of ‘Lailatul Qadar Goals: Celebrate Ramadan, Increase Faith, Reach Glory in the Night of a Thousand Months’. The event was attended by Southeast Asian writers and the Chief of Lembaga Seni Budaya dan Peradaban Islam (LSBPI)(Institute for Cultural Arts and Islamic Civilization) MUI Pusat as the speaker, Ustaz Habibburahman El Shirazy. The writer of a best-selling novel, “Ketika Cinta Bertasbih” opening his speech by inviting all participants to do good. He retold the story of a woman who goes to heaven because she fed a dog, a story that gives an example for the people of the Prophet Muhammad to continue doing good.

“Doing good in the smallest thing. Not only to human but also the universe and its creatures,” Ustaz Habibburahman said.

Besides inviting the participant to do good, Ustaz Habibburahman also shared the glory of Lailatul Qadar night, the Nuzulul Quran night, the night that Al- Qur’an was delivered to the Prophet. To him, this is the splendor of this night. “Everything with Al- Qur’an in it will be honorable,” he said. He also added that despite the argument among the ulema on the night Al-Qur’an was delivered, the majority rules that Nuzulul Quran falls on the 17th night of Ramadan. At the same time, others argue that it occurred on the 21st night of Ramadan, but it is not something that needs to be debated over.

Besides the time, the word Qadar also contains diverse meanings. Some ulema mentioned that  Qadar is Allah SWT ruling, while Lailatul means a night. Combined, Lailatul Qadar is a night when Allah SWT decided on a matter. However, in the Arabic countries, the Arabs defined Qadar as glory. Therefore, Lailatul Qadar is a night full of glory. Other scholars described Qadar as cramped because they believed angels went down to earth that night and made the earth feel cramped.

“People who perform worship on Lailatul Qadar has better hasanat than 1,000 months worship. Therefore, increase your worship and charity during Ramadan. Rasulullah even did I’tikaf during the last ten nights in Ramadan,”  Ustaz Habibburahman said.

In the future, Karisma will be a routine agenda held by FUSI FP UNS every once or twice a week. Previously, this event was held in Baitul Makmuf Mosque FP UNS. “But due to the pandemic, this event was held online (this time),” Arif Nur Hasyif, the Chief of Karisma#1 committee, explained. Humas UNS

Reporter: Alinda Hardiantoro
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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