By M. A. Martina Andriani, Eddy Triharyanto
Gapiet is one of traditional cakes made from glutinous-rice (ketan) flour. The texture of gapiet is crunchy and tasty, that is why this cake is favorable by many people. Batik Gapiet is one of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) build in Karanganyar which makes gapiet with batik design. This SME is located in Sondokoro tour area which has good prospect in developing special cuisine product. Besides, the high level of droupout-teenagers in this region can be used as potential for community empowerment. In addition, this batik gapiet product can be one of superior products from Central Java, especially Karanganyar.

Gapiet Ketan (from )

Gapiet Ketan (from )

The processes of Gapiet Batik’s development have been done are coordinating the activities, making the packaging, providing appropriate technology (TTG),  gapiet diversification training and production & entrepreneurship training. By making the good packaging hopefully can attract the customers and improve the storage quality. The appropriate technology (TTG) used to support the income excalation of this assisted SME is a mixer to raise the production amount. The use of mixer is expected to equally distribute the quality of gapiet’s organoleptic. The empowerment of local communities to collectively produces gapiet has not carried out yet.

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