UNS — The Student Association in Natural Science Education Program (Himadikpa) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held IPA Share Our Love to Another (ISOTON) 2021 in Pojok Village, Mojogedang, Karanganyar in an offline event under a strict health protocol. The event aimed to grow Natural Science Education Program students’ concern towards others.

Himadikpa FKIP UNS also initiated the re-opening of the village library, which operation was halted before. Library administration training was held for Karang Taruna Desa Pojok and Teachers of Kindergarten (TK) 2 Pojok in the first week. Bachrul Ilmi, S.Ptk., M. Hum., faculty member of Diploma Program in Library Science UNS, was invited to the training as a speaker.

Grow Compassion and Empathy, Himadikpa FKIP UNS Launched Reading Corner Library

In the second week, Himadikpa FKIP UNS socialized “The Fun of Reading Together” for students at five and six grades of Elementary School (SDN) 3 Pojok by inviting Dr. Arif Setyawan, S.Hum., M.Pd., a faculty member of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program FKIP UNS as a speaker.

The second session of library administration training was held in the third week, followed by ISOTON 2021 closing with the launching of Reading Corner library in Pojok Village on Sunday (12/12/2021) as an opening ceremony of the village library.

Risa Qotrunnada, as the Chief of ISOTON 2021, hoped that the program could motivate the managing committee to improve literacy in their respective villages. Risa hoped that the event could improve literacy in Pojok Village, Mojogedang.

Grow Compassion and Empathy, Himadikpa FKIP UNS Launched Reading Corner Library

“I hope after ISOTON, the committee members could contribute to improving literacy at their respective villages. My hope for Pojok Village people, hopefully, they could become an intellectual community with high interest for reading using the village library facilities,” Risa stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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