UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta as Pancasila Vanguard holds an umbrella for six religions, Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddha, and Confucius. The university went as far as providing the house of worship for each religion on its campus, which is unique for a higher education institution. On Friday (7/5/2021), the uns.ac.id team has an opportunity to listen to the story of each religious leader in UNS in carrying out their religious activities.

UNS has a mosque named Nurul Huda, which has two floors and is the center for UNS Muslims’ worship. Dr. Miftah Nugroho, M.Hum., is the Islamic leader in UNS who started caretaking the mosque in 2019. He shared the activities held in the UNS, such as Islamic studies for UNS academic members, Islamic studies for Dharma Wanita UNS, convert (muallaf) process, and even wedding. But the pandemic has decreased these activities significantly. He added that before the pandemic, the caretaker often makes an inventory of Nurul Huda activities from collective iftar, I’tikaf at the end of Ramadan, and tarawih. When the pandemic started, it is decided that Nurul Huda does not hold Ramadan activities and even Friday prayer.

“But in the new normal, studies, tarawih, Friday prayer, and collective iftar was held by applying tight health protocols,” the Indonesian Language and Literature Program faculty member UNS explained. Dr. Miftah also reminded UNS academic members to respect other’s beliefs.

Dr. Ir. Timotius Haryono, M.Th. (62), the leader of the UNS Christian community follows with his experiences. Dr. Ir. Timotius teaches Christian Religious Education in UNS since 2000, and in 2009 he was elected as the caretaker for Christian religious leaders in UNS. He stated that he is grateful that UNS provided good facilities. “I am grateful that UNS provided good facilities. Campus church supported by the appropriate student association. All were facilitated and run smoothly,” he explained.

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Christian community in UNS held online religious activities with limited offline activities in the campus church. He added that he is incredibly thankful that UNS has built a diverse house of worship since 1985, building tolerance and mutual cooperation. Lastly, he reminded UNS academic community to maintain their tolerance. “Let’s strengthen our cooperation, tolerance, and respect,” he stated.

Drs. Ign. Agung Satyawan, S.E., S.Ikom., M.Si., Ph.D., who started his career in UNS in 1987, shared his experience of leading the Catholic church in UNS in the last five years. The International Relations (HI) UNS faculty member stated that the Catholic church in UNS has several religious activities such as Friday sermons and monthly masses. As for Christmas UNS Catholic church often collaborates with Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta to hold Christmas ceremonies. After the pandemic, the Catholic church also conducted its activities online. From daily student worship, now students join the virtual session. A small number of students still visit the church to compose themselves and to discuss.

“We should respect one another, tolerance, and maintain dialogue to reach a consensus and create something beautiful,” Agung reminded.

From Hindu religious leader, uns.ac.id can chat with Ida Bagus Karnawan from Bali who started to live in Surakarta in 1985. Since first arriving in Surakarta, Ida continuously trying to find a temple as a place of worship. Finally, in 1990, he contacted one of the UNS faculty members and asked permission for Hindu people around UNS to perform worship in UNS and received approval. Since that time, he actively manages Hindu religious activities in UNS.

Ida is incorporated in banjar (association) of East Solo. He explained that there are several Hindu religious activities performed, such as Sunday collective prayer, holiday ceremony, and piodalan or sacred place anniversary. But, during the pandemic, the ceremonies are only open for 30% of the Hindus. “We did limit it as a commitment to apply campus’ regulation,” he said. “As Indonesian, despite our ethnicity, religion, let’s hope this pandemic will end soon,” he added.

The Buddha religious leader in UNS, Sha Lisa Indriyani, shared her experience as a Vihara caretaker in UNS since 2016. To this day, 20 active members participated in managing Buddha religious activities in UNS, including puja bakti, meditation, and Friday prayer. In line with other religious activities, the offline activities were held online due to the pandemic. “Since the beginning of the pandemic, some activities were stopped or shifted to online,” she explained. “Puja bakti was held online. Meditation and Friday prayer were stopped. But now we start offline puja bakti and meditation. But Friday prayer still cannot be implemented because it involves students and is currently in their hometown,” she added.

According to Lisa, UNS academic member is relatively inclusive in terms of diversity, and she has never experienced discrimination during her time in UNS. Her friends welcomed her well. Thus, she reminded the academic member to maintain their tolerance. “Do not forget your worship and health protocol. Let’s maintain our religious tolerance,” she said.

UNS also has a Confucian temple for Confucius followers. Margareta Helen (20), the caretaker of Confucius belief in UNS since 2020, explained that three UNS students practice Confucius belief. In addition, the temple holds several religious activities such as Sunday school, Lunar New Year, and Cheng Beng. But all of these activities were held online amid the pandemic. “Before the pandemic, we often gathered here. But now the activities were online like Sunday school is held once a month,” she explained. “Let’s be more open-minded and respect diversity,” she reminded UNS academic members.

The stories from the six religions in UNS represent harmonization that supports UNS role as Pancasila vanguard. The unity in diversity is further strengthened by the simultaneous celebration from these different religions this year, for example, Galungan and the start of Ramadan and Eid Fitr with Christ ascensions. The religious leaders offer their views on this phenomenon.

“In my opinion, this is extraordinary. It rarely occurs when different religions celebrate their big days at the same time. We can practice our celebration, respect each other. Let’s celebrate our big days solemnly with respect,” Dr. Miftah said.

“UNS has built tolerance and togetherness (academic members) in UNS respect one another despite the diversity in religions,” Dr. Timotius added.

From Hindu religious leader, Ida stated that the phenomenon is hardly an issue, as religious people are accustomed to mingling with other religions. Lisa shared similar thoughts that this phenomenon is proof that Indonesia is diverse but can respect others and celebrate each big day. Hellen emphasized that diversity is inevitable and it brings colors to UNS. Lastly, Agung mentioned that it is something exciting and normal. “But because we are still in pandemic, there should be a warning that we are more careful,” he added. HUMAS UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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