UNS — The Guidance and Counseling Education Student Association (Himabiko), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, carried out a Social Service entitled “Serving the Community with Himabiko” on Sunday (5/6/2022). This activity is conducted at the Dharma Aji Insan Karanganyar Orphanage under the theme of “Serving with Action, Moving with Heart,” which aims to increase the Guidance and Counseling Education students’ sense of humanity and appreciation. “The purpose of this activity is to increase the students’ sense of humanity as humanitarian activists; to increase students’ appreciation of the art produced by others; and facilitate the students in developing their spirit for innovation,” explained Alviano Yudha Pranata as Chair of Himabiko on Monday (6/6/2022).

This event was attended by foster children at Dharma Aji Insan Orphanage and 25 Himabiko members. The activity carried out in the program includes bottle waste utilization as a more valuable item. “We taught the participants how to transform bottle waste into a pencil case and plant watering media that the children and orphanages’ caregivers can later use,” Alviano said.

At the end of the event, Alviano expressed the hope he wanted to achieve from his social activities with Himabiko, including establishing cordial relations with the orphanage, increasing students’ gratitude, and training foster children’s creativity at Dharma Aji Human Orphanage. “We hope to establish a cordial relationship with the Dharma Aji Insan Orphanage, to train the foster children’s creativity, which allows them to re-use used goods for useful purposes, and to increase all Himabiko members’ gratitude,” Alviano concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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