UNS — The Team of Holistic Program for Village Assistance and Empowerment (PHP2D) Student Association of Mathematics Program (Himatika) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta conducted community empowerment at Jatirejo Village, Jumapolo Subdistrict, Karanganganyar District, Central Java Province. The Team will empower and provide assistance in the development of the local potential of mushroom commodities, including oyster and wood ear mushrooms. Besides their potential, the location is also selected according to the requirement from PHP2D that regulate empowerment site to be located no further than 100 km or 2 hours of driving (29 km from UNS campus).

The PHP2D Himatika FMIPA UNS Team Leader, Bayu Purboutomo, explained that the mushroom potential in Jatirejo Village is overabundant, but the majority of farmers sell their mushroom directly, while they could process the mushroom into various food products.

“Moreover, in the pandemic situation, many mushroom products cannot be stored for a long time without pre-processed,” Bayu Purboutomo explained to uns.ac.id team on Wednesday (24/11/2021).

Himatika FMIPA UNS Empower the Community through Jare Jamur

Considering the large post-harvest potential of the mushroom, the Team proposed an upstream to downstream program for mushroom production that consists of pre-processing of mushrooms into processed products to product marketing training. The Team also developed the baglog wastes into organic fertilizer. Some of the already implemented programs are mushroom processing into crispy mushrooms in Mungon-Mojodipo Hamlet, Jatirejo Village. This program was proposed to PHP2D 2021 and was started with socialization on working capital lending from PT. BKK Jawa Tengah branch Karanganyar.

The mushroom processing process could increase local people’s income, while the socialization aims to explain various services provided by PT. BKK Jawa Tengah that support local people’s innovation in the mushroom processing industry. PHP2D Himatika FMIPA UNS Team also conducted the fertilizer production training from baglog in an online program through the Zoom Meeting platform in the same hamlet. Both processing and fertilizer production training was attended by the mushroom farmers group and program implementing team.

Himatika FMIPA UNS Empower the Community through Jare Jamur

The fertilizer production training was opened with an explanation on mushroom cultivation dan organic fertilizer production by the Agricultural and Fishery Office of Karanganyar District represented by Feriana Dwi Kurniawati, S.P., M.Si. In this socialization, the office shared that Karanganyar District has a program to assist and facility for farmers through her office. The training also educates the local people on the environmental impact of mushroom cultivation and empower them to produce fertilizer from baglog.

After the training programs that took around five months, the Team launched Jare Jamur product on Sunday (21/11/2021) in Jatirejo Village Hall under the theme of “Kula Nuwun Jatirejo: Launching Produk Jare Jamur” (Excuse Me Jatirejo: Launching of Jare Jamur Product). The grand closing event started with product introduction followed by handover from the Head of Mathematics Program to the Chief of Processing and fertilizer team of Jatirejo people. The launching was marked with a ribbon cutting ceremony by Jatirejo Village Chief Arry Widodo Yuliawan and the Head of Mathematics Program FMIPA UNS, Dr. Drs. Siswanto, M.Si. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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