UNS — Alumni Association (IKA) of Doctoral Program in Medical Science (PSIK) Faculty of Medical Science (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a “Webinar Covid-19, From A-Z” on Saturday (11/9/2021). More than 190 participants attended the webinar held through the Zoom Cloud Meeting.

The Head of PSIK, Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K)., in his remark, mentioned this webinar topic relevance considering the uncertainty on the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. “This is a positive contribution from our alumni in sharing the knowledge on Covid-19,” Prof. Soetrisno stated.

IKA Doctoral Program in Medical Science FK UNS Discussed Covid-19 through Webinar

The Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), added that this event is needed and should be held continuously. He also mentioned that IKA PSIK UNS has a role and contribution in overseeing academic activities on campus. “Because alumni position is to bridge their juniors who are studying with the management, both in program and faculty,” Prof. Reviono explained. The Dean also appreciated this event and mentioned that the topics could develop knowledge and ease the negative impact of the pandemic.

The webinar was divided into two sessions; the first session speakers were alumni and PSIK FK UNS students with Dr. dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, Sp.JP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC., as the moderator. The speakers in this session are dr. Adji Suwandono, S.H., Sp.F., who discussed the “Medical Ethics”, Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Purwanto, Sp.PD-KGH, FINASIM with “Physical Acctivities and Stress Management in Covid-19 Pandemic”, and Dr. dr. Harsini, Sp.P(K), FISR, MARS who discussed “Covid-19 Management”.

In the discussion session, Dr. dr. Harsini, Sp.P(K) emphasized that the participants should always maintain the health protocols even after being vaccinated. This reminder was shared considering the euphoria in the community after getting vaccinated that makes them neglect the health protocols. While according to Dr. dr. Harsini, Sp.P(K)., Covid-19 variant Mu is considered to be more vicious than delta and lambda variants.

“The community should be emphasized that vaccine does not prevent Covid. It is to reduce the severity of infection. That is what we should emphasize because the community who got the vaccines often neglect their health protocols. We see everywhere they do not wear a mask. That is what we need to remind the community,” Dr. dr. Harsini, Sp.P(K)., emphasized.

IKA Doctoral Program in Medical Science FK UNS Discussed Covid-19 through Webinar

The second session of the webinar was moderated by Dr. dr. Lilik Wijayanti M.Kes. In this session, the speakers are Dr. dr. M. Adrianes Bachnas, Sp.OG(K), who delivered materials on “Covid-19 Effect on Pregnancy and Fetus,” and dr. Brigitte Rina Aninda Sidharta, Sp.PK., discussed “The Role of Laboratory Examination on Covid-19”. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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