UNS — For the umpteenth time, the Alumni Association (IKA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held Wedangan. In the Wedangan held on Wednesday (23/9/2020), IKA UNS invited alumni from Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS. Taking the theme of ‘Goal Keeper of Human Resource Development Indonesia’, Wedangan IKA UNS was opened directly by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho.

On the occasion, Prof. Jamal stated that having excellent Human Resources is something that every university expects. “Excellent human resources are how we prepare our human resources to have experience and have a good education basis. Because with the education we can change the less prosperous to be prosperous,” Prof. Jamal explained.

IKA FH UNS Chairman, Prof. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, welcomed the alumni who attended the occasion by sharing enthusiasm to maintain the solidarity of UNS alumni. Seven alumni of FKIP UNS attended the occasion to deliver material and two moderators from the Chief of Alumni Association of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (KA FKIP) UNS, Purwadi Sutanto, M.Si who currently serve as the Director of Senior High School Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). The second moderator was the Chief of KA Mechanical Engineering Education UNS, Drs. Ir. Eko Nugroho BP, M.M who currently serve as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) PT. Gemarang Terapanindo Argayasa.

The first speaker was FKIP UNS Professor/Former Secretary-General (Sekjen) Kemendikbud/Director General (Dirjen) PMPTK Kemendikbud, Prof. Baedhowi, who stated that to create an excellent generation in the current era government needs to prepare fun, educating, and strengthening schools. One of the suggestions provided by Prof. Baedhowi is teacher’s teaching style, the more creative a teacher in teaching and the more fun is the learning atmosphere, students will be more interested in learning.

Further, Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd., as the Secretary Directorate-General for Teachers and Education Staffs (Ditjen Gutendik) Kemendikbud shared about the Program Guru Penggerak (Activator Teacher Program) which implemented by Kemendikbud. She hopes that UNS can become a place for a pilot project and contributes to the program. Deputy Head of Pancasila Ideology Development Board (BPIP), Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd., hopes FKIP UNS to take a role in performing breakthrough that UNS is not just Benteng Pancasila (Pancasila Stronghold) but also a pioneer and developer of Pancasila and Indonesian-based theories.

Besides that, the alumni who currently stay in West Papua, Hari Nurdin Santosa, S.Pd. as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Raja Ampat West Papua and Tuning Supriyadi, M.Pd., who is a Widyaiswara Madya LPMP West Papua also attended the occasion, shared the implementation of education in the eastern province of Indonesia and the innovations performed by Tuning Supriyadi, M.Pd to solve problems he experienced there. For example, the “Lemari Kaki Seribu” (Komponen Akreditasi Sekolah Bermutu – Accreditation Components of Quality School) application which is used in school administration, especially for the headmaster.

Technology-based learning was delivered by Dr. Abi Sujak, M.Sc., who serves as the Learning Technique Developer/Former Secretary of Ditjen Gutendik. Lastly, Dr. Eni Dewi Kurniawati, M.Pd as the supervisor for SMA/SMK Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) (Senior High School and Vocational School for Special Education) in Sambas District, West Kalimantan explained the ‘Role of School Supervisors in Preparing Excellent Human Resources in the Border of Sambas and Malaysia`. HUMAS UNS

Reporter: Ratri Hapsari
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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