UNS — The Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a writing webinar online. Two students were invited as speakers in the webinar. The first speaker, Fatata A’izaza, is a Mathematics Education Program student who won an international essay writing competition. The second speaker is Atina Rahmawati, an excellent student from FKIP UNS.

In the webinar on Full Discussion on Scientific Writing to Achieve Leading Engineering Faculty, Fatata delivered material on idea generation in writing. She mentioned that the first step to generating ideas is brainstorming or a thought process to solve the existing problems. Brainstorming could improve problem-solving skills from various points of view.

“The first step of brainstorming is comprehensive reading, understanding what we read. It could be from a journal, article, books, and other sources. From this step, we can define the problem and gain references. Then accommodate some topics; the larger the topics and points of view, the better. Then discussion, how we discuss the problem with applicable solutions,” she explained. The last step that Fatata described is concluding evaluation. She suggested that writers have a separate book to write down ideas that appear. Ideas could come from wherever and could be executed whenever.

The following step is problem identification. In this step, Fatata suggested that writers identify problems from various points of view and limit what will be discussed and what is not relevant. “After that, find supports, generate a solution, build a framework, and consulting to expert, and lastly, execution,” she concluded in the webinar held on Saturday (17/7/2021).

The second material from Atina Rahmawati discussed how to write scientific articles and tips and tricks. Atina explained that scientific writing must be logical, systematic, objective, and ethical or includes a scientific attitude. A scientific paper consists of the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, discussion, conclusion, reference, and appendix.

Improving Writing Climate, BEM FT UNS Held Writing Webinar

She shared tips to choose a title that a title should be able to describe the overall content of an article. A good title is also descriptive and innovative, and the use of shortened forms adds attractiveness to a title. On writing the abstract, writers should summarize the content of their article and should avoid discussing lengthy background in the abstract due to characters limitations.

“A good writing method starts with visualization and detailed explanation, great branding, and coherence. The flow moves from general to specific discussion; use data that support your arguments and belief that your idea is an appropriate solution. Other vital components are writing novelty, implementing PUEBI, creating graphs or tables to facilitate reader comprehension, and paraphrasing,” she concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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