UNS — The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the finding of a new SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 variant or Omicron on Thursday (25/11/2021). This variant was firstly reported in South Africa and currently has spread to several countries such as Saudi Arabia, Australia, and the United States (US). Because this new variant has the potential to increase the number of Covid-19 infections, WHO has assigned the new variant as a Variant of Concern (VOC), this condition showed that the Omicron variant could increase infection and death rate.

The government of Indonesia took a quick response toward the issue by prohibiting foreign nationals (WNA) who visited South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Eswatini, Malawi, Angola, Zambia, and Hongkong in the last 14 days from entering Indonesia. Indonesian people who have a history of visiting the mentioned countries and coming back to Indonesia will undergo 14 days starting from Monday (29/11/2021) 00.01 Jakarta Time.

The spread of the Omicron variant also grasps the attention of Covid-19 Taskforce spokesperson and the Clinal Pathology Specialist Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Hospital, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto dr. SpPK, Ph.D.

Although until Tuesday (30/11/2021), the Indonesian government has not confirmed the Omicron variant in Indonesia, it does not mean that the community could be ignorant and disregard the health protocols. With the increase in the reporting over Omicron spread, the community needs to be more careful and apply strict health protocols to prevent the case of Delta variant on July-August in the next Christmas and New Year holidays.

“These days, several countries have reported, including Australia. Those reporting are succeeded in detecting (the new variant). (Countries) that have not reported is not mean that they are free from the new variant. Maybe because they have not yet been successful in detecting it (the new variant),” dr. Tonang said to uns.ac.id on Tuesday (30/11/2021).

Regarding the severity of the new variant, dr. Tonang explained that the information continues to develop according to the spread of this new variant. He asked the community not to be too worried over the severity of the new variant but instead be aware of the issues. He also hoped that the emergency units in hospitals could be more ready in case the infection rate peaked due to the Omicron variant. He does not want Covid-19 patients to get poor service like in the July-August case.

“The malignancy greatly depends on the local condition. The death proportion (CFR) of the Delta variant, for example, is actually low. Although the cases were extreme in several countries, the death percentage was low,” he explained.

dr. Tonang added that Covid-19 handling is focused on the level of spread; therefore, the number of infections could be monitored, infection cases do not soar, health care facilities have the capability to provide services until the infection rate decreases. “What we need to consider is the infection rate. If the cases are soaring, the hospital collapses, beds are not available, (patients) queued in the emergency units, or even forced to stay at home that increases the risk, increases the death rate. It means that we need to be aware of,” dr. Tonang added.

The Wave of Covid-19 Spread

During the 1.5 years of the Covid-19 pandemic globally, Indonesia has experienced two waves that caused a spike in infection rate and death rate. dr. Tonang explained that there are two possible conditions when the wave of Covid-19 occurs. The first condition, the managed ones, when the case is high, but those confirmed with Covid-19 are isolated, and patients could access health care.

“Second (condition), from the beginning of the wave, the spread is uncontrollable, infection rate increases, cases increasing, and, I’m very sorry to say, many died, then after a lot of people got infected, the cases decreasing because the virus couldn’t find a new place to multiply,” dr. Tonang said.

Thus, dr. Tonang asked the government to ensure the community discipline in implementing the health protocols, help in separating the sources of infection through isolation, treat people showing Covid-19 symptoms, and vaccinate people. These efforts also need support by community behavior in wearing a mask, washing hands, and limiting interaction between Indonesia and other countries.

“The two are the government responsibilities because it is impossible for the people to perform it. (The community) could only support. Let us monitor and continue reminding the government if needed so that the government performs their responsibilities,” dr. Tonang stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Y. C. A Sanjaya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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