UNS — To help chili farmers to market their yield, Group 162 of Student Community Service Program (KKN) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta collaborated with a philanthropic institution that managed social funds through empowerment program, Agrowakaf, and chili farmers in Berjo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java. Through the collaboration, the Group launched a great chili harvest and chili donation in Berjo Village named “Terima Kasih Sahabat Petani” (Thank You, Farmers).

According to a participant, Daffa Maulana Muhammad, the program left a sweet impression for the Berjo community and KKN UNS Group 162 KKN UNS. The program assisted farmers in the harvesting and distribution process.

KKN UNS Group 162 Collaborated with Agrowakaf in Launching Great Chili Harvest and Chili Donation

“The yields were purchased by donors and distributed directly to the people in need. Farmers were proud to receive such facilities in terms of earning a living, and the community and the students were delighted to give their time to help others,” Daffa explained to uns.ac.id team.

The program was a direct harvest from chili fields in Berjo village that ran for 60 minutes from 08.30 am Jakarta Time on Sunday (29/8/2021). The harvest was followed by chili donation by delivering chili to people in need. Daffa also mentioned that this program is kindness from farmers that benefits one another and restores farmer’s spirits in supporting food resilience in Indonesia. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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