UNS — The Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka Unit (MBKM) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held socialization of MBKM UNS Village Development through the Zoom Cloud Meeting application on Monday (26/7/2021).

Prof. Dr. Suciati, M.Pd., the coordinator of MBKM UNS Village Development, acted as the moderator in the event that invited two speakers, Dr.Tri Murwaningsih, M.Si., the Head of MBKM Unit FKIP UNS, and Prof. Dr. Leo Agung S., M.Pd., the Head of UP2KT FKIP UNS. the socialization was opened by the Dean of FKIP UNS, Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., who mentioned that MBKM Unit FKIP UNS has great potential. “Hopefully, it could develop new ideas in solving various problems in the program in terms of MBKM program in FKIP UNS,” Dr. Mardiyana stated.

The first material on the MBKM UNS Village Development program was delivered by Dr. Tri Murwaningsih, M.Si., who explained that this program was motivated by the changes in the Key Performance indicators, which require a student to have at least 20-semester credits (SKS) outside the campus. “UNS Village Development Program has a vital role in achieving this key performance indicator. Besides, this program is developed based on the contract with Kemendikbudristek, which requires 30-35% of UNS alumni should participate in MBKM 20 SKS,” Dr. Tri explained.

Prof. Dr. Leo Agung S., M.Pd., delivered the second material on the importance of the Introduction to School Fields (PLP) as the non-negotiable soul of FKIP. Prof. Leo emphasized that this program is irreplaceable, and in the case of the coincidental schedule of PLP and KKN, FKIP programs will prioritize the PLP program and adjust the KKN program. “This means, where the student is placed for their PLP, that is where the student could implement the UNS Village Development concurrently,” he explained.

Following the material discussion from the speakers is the questions-and-answers session. The socialization was concluded with a closing statement from Prof. Dr. Slamet Subiyantoro, M.Si., the Vice-Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs FKIP UNS, who stated that the faculty and program would continue to facilitate and encourage students in receiving their rights to learn outside the campus. This program is implemented to enrich students graduate’s achievement (CPL) that supports student’s plans. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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