UNS — The Dean of the Faculty of Medical Science (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K)., shared his response on the implementation of the emergency restriction on community activities (PPKM), especially in Central Java province. He used three parameters, epidemiology, surveillance, and health care services, in discussing the policy.

From the epidemiology point of view, Prof. Reviono explained that Central Java demonstrates a clear declining mode in terms of the number of new cases and positive rate. Based on the Covid-19 data per September 2021 announced by the Chairman of Community Health Section of Central Java Province Health Office, dr. Wahyu Setianingsih, M.Kes. (Epid), the positive rate in Central Java Province has moved into the ideal level of 5%.

In terms of surveillance, Central Java Province has reached a 100% of the testing rate, meeting the target of the tracing process, according to the same source. Prof. Reviono considered that the target was met due to the success of PPKM implementation in the province. The last parameter, the health care services, showed an improving trend with 9.8% of Covid-19 beds are used for isolation, and 20% are used for ICU.

“From these parameters, Central Java is declining (in terms of Covid-19 severity) and improving. It is also proved by districts with yellow zone,” Prof. Reviono stated in Solopos FGD Virtual, Friday (11/9/2021)

The Dean also encouraged people to maintain the health protocols and stated that the increasing and decreasing of positive cases is affected by various factors, including viral mutation. Prof. Reviono explained that mutation will continue to occur and changed the virus’ characteristics, and can increase the number of positive cases. Other kinds of mutation affect the malignancy of the virus and endurance over the existing vaccines. This condition raises yellow light for the community to continue to be vigilant and maintain their discipline, which according to Prof. Reviono, should be emphasized, especially to get checked in the health care facilities.

The previous increase in Covid-19 cases is indicated due to people’s reluctance to get themselves checked at the health facilities because staying at home increases the possibility of spreading the infection if the health workers do not detect it. People need to get checked at the hospital to ensure their Covid-19 status, especially with asymptomatic cases (OTG) that need to be detected and isolated. OTG will cause more significant issues if people continue avoiding tracing. Prof. Reviono also explained the cause of people’s reluctance to visit the hospital: they are afraid of contracting Covid-19 or testing positive for Covid-19.

“The suspect that needs to be isolated often becomes a misconception that people without Covid-19 are purposedly diagnosed with Covid. That is our step to determine if someone actually has it or not,” Prof. Reviono said.

He also suggested that the government conduct periodic sequencing on the new Covid-19 cases to determine the presence of the viral mutation. This step is vital because finding mutation in the virus could determine if the health care services need new treatment. “If the virus changed, it becomes the variant of interest,” he added. Another step that can be taken is prohibiting entrance for foreigners from countries with high mutation variants. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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