UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Board of Trustees (MWA) represented by the Vice-Chairman of MWA, Prof. Hasan Fauzi, M.B.A., Ph.D., C.A., CSRA handed the Annual Work and Budgeting Plan (RKAT) for 2022 to the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum. The ceremony was held in UNS Inn on Wednesday (5/1/2021).

This ceremony was attended by UNS executive boards, including the Chairman of Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Adi Sulistiyono, S.H. M.H.; Chairman of Board of Professors, Prof. Drs. Suranto Tjiptowibisono M.Sc., Ph.D.; Secretary of MWA, Prof. Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, M. Sc., Ph.D.; Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., Vice-Rector for Management and Human Resources Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bandi, M.Si., Ak.; Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Affairs, Prof. Dr. Kuncoro Diharjo, S.T.,M.T.; Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.Sajidan, M.Si.; and Director of Finance and Assets Optimization, Dr. E. Muhtar, S.Pd. M.Si.

Vice-Chairman MWA, Prof. Hasan Fauzi, M.B.A., Ph.D., C.A., CSRA, stated that the budget components needed for Tower 11 UNS are completed. “Today, as MWA, we handed the approved decision letter to the rector,” Prof. Hasan Fauzi stated.

Prof. Hasan Fauzi hoped that this RKAT could be used as a guideline in conducted activities in UNS to achieve its target. “Work plan is an effort to formulate what needs to be achieved by a firm or organization, in this case, UNS,” he added.

In his remark, the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., stated that the RKAT could be revised following the existing situation and condition. This revision might occur on the budget due to additional income generated during the year or unrealized income that was predicted at the beginning of the year.

“Therefore, the government provides broad autonomy for PTNBH. We hope the autonomy on human resources, finance, assets, and others, could be utilized as a responsible autonomy in improving UNS quality,” Prof. Jamal stated. He also mentioned the message from the Director-General of Dikti Ristek, Prof. Nizam, who encouraged UNS to continue improving its quality and administrative process in terms of its output and outcome.

“(Prof. Nizam) appreciated our success in achieving the Key Performance Indicator (IKU) on several occasions. In his speech, UNS was mentioned as a ‘record’ for organizing its four organizations in only 2.5 months, and in league 2, UNS received IKU PTN award in 2020/2021. UNS placed in highest score with 10% with achievement points of 80 and growth point of 774,” he added.

MWA UNS Handed RKAT 2022 to The Rector of UNS

The Chairman of Academic Senate UNS, Prof. Dr. Adi Sulistiyono, S.H., M.H., stated that RKAT 2022 has a significant impact on the opening of Programs outside the main campus (PSDKU) in Jakarta. He also mentioned that this new program is highly needed considering many doctoral students in law science are professionals in Jakarta and that the faculty has good networking with the Indonesian association. “We highly appreciate the RKAT proposal from the Rector; hopefully, this trust could be implemented well,” Prof. Adi stated.

The Chairman of the Board of Professors, Prof. Drs. Suranto Tjiptowibisono M.Sc., Ph.D. hoped that the RKAT could improve UNS quality, especially in facing the increasingly competitive league 1. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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