UNS — Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta student conducted Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) verification and validation. Annita Viesta N. D. from the Diploma Program (D-4) in Midwifery Faculty of Medical Science (FK) held the program in Paser District, East Borneo. The two months program is a part of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Pejuang Muda (Young Fighter) Program.

In an interview with uns.ac.id, Annita stated that the program was held because of the poor recording for social aids (Bansos) data, the differences between poverty indication between Java and Borneo, and unrecorded data of people who are eligible for the aids.

Participating in Pejuang Muda Program Kemensos, UNS Midwifery Student Conducted DTKS Verification and Validation

“There are also people who are dead but still recorded in the database, therefore require verification. Thus, my duty is to perform verification of Bansos recipients by filling the questionnaire on the poverty indicators to Kemensos’ Sagis app. Kemensos will then assess if the person is still eligible to receive Bansos,” Annita explained on Sunday (5/12/2021).

The main challenge of this program is the far distance that Annita needs to travel from one village to another in Paser District. Spending a night in local people’s houses becomes something that they often do, considering the far travel distance.

Besides the verification and validation program, the Team that consists of students from different universities was also prompted to develop rattan business for local people. Annita stated that the challenges in this particular program are the differences in the background, tribes, cultures, and languages, besides the poor and unstable mobile connection in several places.

Participating in Pejuang Muda Program Kemensos, UNS Midwifery Student Conducted DTKS Verification and Validation

“My education background is in healthcare, but here I do works that require social skills that made me quite overwhelmed in the beginning. Of course, it is a new experience. To meet with local people or transmigrant, train independence and living humbly,” she added.

Annita also managed to keep her study on track despite her program placement. She did not leave her study and could keep up with the examination or practice examination. She also shared that her target district has a diverse local product with competitive quality, even with global brands.

Participating in Pejuang Muda Program Kemensos, UNS Midwifery Student Conducted DTKS Verification and Validation

“Hopefully, this program will continue because it could hone students’ ability in communication and collaborate directly with the community. Hopefully, Bansos could be more on target for people who really need it,” she concluded

The PIC of Humanity Project Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program UNS, Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika, M.Kes., added that there are 70 students from various programs in UNS that participate in the Pejuang Muda program. “This program is a part of MBKM, the humanity project,” Dr. Revi stated. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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