UNS — The Holistic Rural Assistance and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) Team from Student association in Agricultural Extension & Communication (HM Pelita) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has conducted launching for “Legran” or catfish nugget product from Kragan Village, Gondangrejo, Karanganyar. The launching was held in the bioflok fish cultivation site in Kragan Village and was attended by the representatives from Agricultural, Food, and Fishery Office of Karanganyar District, UNS academic members, Kragan Village Chief and other village apparatus, Gantera Creative Economy Group, Chairman of Pokdakan Al Amanah, and Chairman of Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan) Kragan.

The launching ceremony consists of the opening, inauguration of Kragan Village as a rural sociology laboratory as a collaboration between Agricultural Extension & Communication Program (PKP) FP UNS, followed by tumpeng and ribbon-cutting ceremony by Kragan Village Chief, Widada, S.E., and Dr. Ir. Sugihardjo,M.S. To facilitate sales and increase product selling price, the launching also included an opening for a selling booth named Gantera kiosk.

Cici, a member of HM Pelita committee, explained that Legran product is produced from fresh catfish by the local housewives as the members of Gantera creative economy group

“The product has gone through a series of processes from recipe formulation and composition, quality improvement, price adjustment, interesting packaging, and consumer tasting. This product becomes one of the excellent products in the village with a selling power in the market,” Cici explained to uns.ac.id team on Thursday (8/12/2021).

PHP2D HM Pelita UNS Team Held Legran Product Launching

The launching that was held on Wednesday (24/11/2021) becomes one of the events held by PHP2D HM Pelita Team UNS 2021, who have implemented a community service, especially in Kragan Village, to improve local welfare, solve problems, and grow local people creativity and participation. After the launch, the team conducted a workshop on the catfish cultivation method using bioflok system by fishery extension officer Harry. The last part of the ceremony was a direct survey in the bioflok and hydroponic area directly behind the inauguration site. The bioflok is used to cultivate several types of fish such as catfish, nila (Nile tilapia), mujair (Mozambique tilapia), and sepat (Trichogaster). The site is also used to cultivate bokcoy, water spinach, lettuce, and mustard green. The ceremony was concluded with a photo session.

PHP2D HM Pelita UNS Team Held Legran Product Launching

Cici hoped that Legran product and Gantera creative economy group could reduce the unemployment in the village, increase people income, and increase fish consumption in Kragan village.

“(We) also expect that this product launching could become a means of branding and spirit for Kragan Village to continue innovating in using their potentials,” Cici concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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