UNS — Several faculty members of the Special Education Program (PKh) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held assistance for teachers in special schools (SLB) A YAAT Klaten. The event theme was Assistance for Braille Converter App Use for SLB Teachers in Transliteration of Music into Braille in SLB Tunanetra YAAT Klaten. This event was held offline under a strict health protocol on Thursday (10/6/2021).

Dr. Subagya, M.Si., Arsy Anggrelanggi, M.Pd., Erma Kumalasari, M.Psi., Psikolog, and Priyono, S.Pd., M.Si., from PKh FKIP UNS and 15 SLB A YAAT Klaten teachers attended the event. The Headmaster of SLB A YAAT Klaten, Muhammad Mufid Khoirudin, S.Pd., delivered a welcoming remark and thanked PKh UNS for sharing their knowledge with the teachers. “This application could help Braille learning from musical symbols to Braille letters,” Muhammad Mufid stated.

The assistance materials were delivered by Dr. Subagya, M.Si. Before explaining the method to operate Braille Converter Application, Dr. Subagya introduced the musical tempo and how to write octave marks in musical composition. In musical composition, the octave mark for the first note should be preceded by the first-octave mark. For the following notes, an octave mark is not necessary if they form second and terts intervals. An octave mark is needed for notes that form quarts or quints of different octaves with different octaves. Similarly, notes that form sects interval must be preceded by octave mark.

After the materials, Dr. Subagya demonstrated the method of operating Mitranetra Braille Converter (MBC) to transliterate musical symbols into Braille. In this process, Dr. Subagya received assistance from a blind teacher at SLB A YAAT, Eko Swasto A.S., S.Pd. Dr. Subagya asked Eko to demonstrate the use of MBC for Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa song. The event was followed by a questions-and-answers session in which participants showed their enthusiasm. Humas UNS

Reporter: Zalfaa Azalia Pursita
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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