UNS —The Ear, Nose, Throat-Head and Neck Surgery (ENT-HNS) Residency Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, had undertaken the reaccreditation process by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education Institutions (or LAM-PTKes). This process is a manifestation of external quality assurance for a study program in executing its educational processes.

On December 13-15, 2023, Dr. Trimartani, dr., Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L., Subsp.F.P.R(K)., MARS, and Dr. Melati Sudiro, dr., M.Kes., Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L., Subsp.A.I(K), appointed by LAM-PTKes, conducted a field assessment of the ENT-HNS Residency Program at UNS. The assessors were received by UNS Rector, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum.; Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S.; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K).; Vice Deans at the Faculty of Medicine; and the Head of the ENT-HNS Residency Program, Dewi Pratiwi, dr., Sp.THT-KL(K), M.Kes, at the Meeting Room of the Rectorate Building, dr. Prakosa, UNS.

Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, in his address, expressed the university’s commitment to advancing the quality of education. “We have prepared ourselves seriously and as best as possible to face this assessment process as part of our commitment to advancing the quality of education at UNS,” Prof. Jamal said.

In this context, Prof. Jamal also highlighted some of the strengths of the ENT-HNS Residency Program at UNS. The program has been in operation since 2005, with a vision and mission aligned with the university’s, supported by the Main Teaching Hospital and a network with an adequate number and variety of various cases. It is also supported by a sufficient number of certified doctoral-level teaching staff, accounting for 70%, who actively participate in national and international forums.

After being received by the university leadership, the two assessors, along with faculty and program leaders, proceeded to the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, to undergo the field assessment process.

Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, expressed his hope that this activity would proceed smoothly and bring beneficial results to all. “We at the Faculty of Medicine regularly undergo field assessments, and this time it is conducted by external parties as part of the quality assurance of our study program, and now it is indeed time for us to undergo an audit by LAM-PTKes,” Prof. Reviono said.

He hoped that in this session, they could receive advice and input from the assessors. “We have tried to fulfill the requirements that we need to meet, and previously there was a visitation from the college. We really hope for input from the assessors so that we can continue to improve in the future. Hopefully, all aspects of this field assessment process will go well and smoothly and yield excellent results,” Prof. Reviono added.

In her address, Dr. Trimartani expressed her hope that all documents and the results of the field assessment would align with what had been reported earlier. “This morning, the Rector mentioned the 11 strengths of the ENT-HNS Program; we believe that these strengths have been prepared thoroughly and support the government’s programs regarding health and human resources transformation,” Dr. Trimartani said.

According to Dr. Trimartani, the presence of assessors to directly observe the conditions in the field is expected to ensure that all programs have been implemented effectively. “We are confident that the implementation has been carried out; hopefully, this three-day assessment will proceed smoothly,” she concluded.

After listening to presentations from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, and the Head of the Residency Program, as well as engaging in a question-and-answer session, the two assessors conducted interviews with faculty members regarding the sufficiency of teaching staff and the curriculum provided to students. Additionally, interviews were conducted with student representatives regarding academic and non-academic services.

The second day of the field assessment involved reviewing documents based on nine criteria, followed by an on-site inspection of the facilities at the teaching hospitals, namely Dr. Moewardi Regional General Hospital (RSUD) and the UNS Hospital. The two assessors expressed satisfaction with the completeness of the facilities in the teaching hospitals and the learning processes at both hospitals.

The closing of this field assessment activity took place on the third day, marked by the signing and handover of the minutes of the meeting from the assessors to the Head of the ENT-HNS Residency Program at UNS, followed by a group photo. HUMAS UNS

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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