UNS — The Center for Excellence (PUI) Center for Fintech and Banking, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS Fintech Center), held a webinar on Wednesday (7/7/2021). This webinar discussed the Millennial’s Financial Management in The Digital Era, considering the rapid digital development and low financial literacy among the community.

The Chief of PUI UNS Fintech Center, Irwan Trinugroho, Ph.D., stated that this topic matches millennials, especially those entering their first job. Financial management is vital for millennials amid the COvid-19 pandemics. “This theme is interesting. (We) need to discuss how millennials manage their finance, including the impact of this pandemic on their financial management,” Irwan Trinugroho, Ph.D., stated in the webinar held through the Zoom Cloud Meeting.

Three speakers were invited to discuss the exciting topic. They were Dr. Sylviana Maya Damayanti, CFP. (Institut Teknologi Bandung Faculty member), Ibrahim Fatwa Wijaya, Ph. D (Universitas Sebelas Maret), and L Nathania, BBA, CFP. (Financial Planner Finansialku.com). Each speaker discussed a different sub-topic. Dr. Maya, as the first speaker, discussed financial planning for millennials. In 30 minutes, Dr. Maya explained the importance of financial planning and what needs to be prepared in financial planning. She underlines the importance of emergency funds for millennials. Dr. Maya also reminded participants to manage their cash flows by keeping a record of their income and spending. Participants were also reminded to check this cash flow continuously and evaluate their spending. Millennials should find a solution when they are overspending.

Promoting Financial Literacy for Millennials, UNS Fintech Center Held Webinar

The second speaker, Ibrahim Fatwa, discussed financial planning from the Islamic perspective. He shared the spirit of sharing among the Muslims amid the pandemic. This spirit was shown through the waqf, alms, and zakat to related institutions or mosques.

The third speaker from Finansialku.com, L. Nathania, shared the financial planning schemes and how millennials could prioritize their needs. Nathania explained the financial management pyramid, which starts from bottom to top, with cash flow, emergency funds, and debt. If this basic was achieved and millennials understand risk management, they could achieve financial security.

The discussion from speakers invited enthusiastic questions from around 150 participants who came from various universities. Humas UNS

Reporter: Ida Fitriyah
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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