UNS — To commemorate the National Heroes Day on 10 November, Pancasila Implementation Study Center (PSPP) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a national webinar on “Becoming Patriot Pancasila in the Global-Millennials Era” through the Zoom Could Meeting on Saturday (13/11/2021). Well-known scholars were invited to the webinar, including Dr. Sarbini, M.Ag., Dr. Winarno, M.Pd, and Dr. Mibtadin, S.Fil.I., M.S.I.

The webinar was opened by Prof. Dr. Leo Agung S., M.Pd., as the Chief of PSPP UNS. The invited speakers shared their views, starting from Dr. Sarbini, a Faculty Member of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Mas Said Surakarta, who discussed the gap in understanding religiosity in the public space and to be pious privately is often clash with Pancasila. Dr Sarbini explained that religiosity at public places needs to put forward the collective life, similar to adopting Pancasila in the public space, that needs to be aligned with the religious values to minimize the difference between the two.

“Pancasila must be defined in the daily life through religious practices that prioritize collectiveness above all differences. Therefore, religion could serve as an ethical foundation for the development of good nationalism in the healthy public spaces,” Dr. Sarbini, M.Ag., stated.

Different from Dr. Sarbini, who suggested Pancasila implementation through religious practices, Dr. Winarno, M.Pd as the head of Pancasila and Civics Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS, stated that Pancasila is basically the abstract values of an object. Some people even dubbed it as The Five Principles. “While the concrete application of these values is norms,” he explained.

PSPP UNS Held Webinar on Becoming Patriot Pancasila in the Global-Millennials Era

Dr. Mibtadin, a researcher at PSPP UNS, shared another different view that the religious values or tawasut needs to be developed with Pancasila development could be implemented through education. Therefore, in the Global-Millennials era, the comprehension on Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, and the 1945 Constitution could be pursued through the Information Technology (IT), for example, by providing creative and up-to-date contents, such as vlogs or TikTok so that education could connect with the millennials.

Characters development also need to start early through the involvement of the millennials generation in the Pancasila community, Ihya a-turats Pancasila, and national knowledge such as the spirit to be united, respect differences, willingness to sacrifice, never give up, patriotism, nationalism, optimism, self-esteem, togetherness, and self-confidence. Character buildings need to involve cultures and traditions to prevent identity loss in the millennials. This effort could be implemented by introducing Pancasila as the nation’s ideology through formal education.

“Or through developing national knowledge and Pancasila through educational institutions, national literacy, and history books,” Dr. Mibtadin concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Alinda Hardiantoro
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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