UNS — Pancasila Implementation Study Center (PSPP) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) held a national webinar on Thursday (17/3/2022) to celebrate Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) 46th Anniversary.

Discussing Pancasila and Leadership, the webinar invited several speakers, such as Drs. Juliyatmono, M.M., the Regent of Karanganyar, Aris Heru Utomo, S.H, M.Si., MBA., the Director for Material Assessment in Pancasila Education Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP), Dr. Dedi Kurnia Syah, the Director of Indonesian Political Opinion, and Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Sajidan, M.Si., as the Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs UNS. Acting as the moderator was Dr. Bramastia, M.Pd, the faculty member of the Master Program in Science Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS.

Prof. Dr. Leo Agung S, M.Pd as the Chairman of PSPP LPPM UNS, opened the national webinar and discussed UNS’ role as Pancasila Vanguard and how it connects with Pancasila leadership as the webinar topic. Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Affairs UNS, Prof. Dr. Kuncoro Diharjo, S.T., M.T., who represented the Rector of UNS as the keynote speaker, also supported Prof. Dr. Leo’s statement that Pancasila leadership is a form of leadership that refers to the values of Pancasila.

“Pancasila leadership also correlated with Asta Brata leadership in Javanese culture. The king’s leadership, which approaches his people through eight paths of wisdom/practice/character. However, Asta Brata does not apply only to leaders, but to every person,” Prof. Kuncoro explained.

The first speaker, Drs. Juliyatmono, M.M., shared the importance of collective corrections in the nation and stated life in applying Pancasila. The regent emphasized the importance of the collective agreement in applying Pancasila values and leadership to ensure people’s acceptance of the approach.

PSPP UNS National Seminar on Pancasila and Leadership

Favor the Interest of People

Aris Heru Utomo, S.H., M.Si., MBA., as the second speaker, discussed the physical and spiritual responsibilities of leaders with Pancasila values. Emphasizing that leading is not an easy task and that each leader has their own leadership style. The following discussion from BPIP talked about the efforts taken to return Pancasila into the education system. BPIP efforts improve Pancasila comprehension among state apparatus, improve Pancasila training programs for local government, strengthen the regulation and advocation of laws that align with Pancasila, and encourage implementation of the values and local governance based on local wisdom.

Dr. Dedi Kurnia Syah discussed Pancasila’s position in the community to unite the people and bring them into collectiveness. Therefore, leadership based on Pancasila values must side with people’s interests and not elitist’s interests. He also mentioned that Pancasila is needed to solve the current problems faced by the community. Closing the discussion, Prof. Sajidan shared the modern leadership paradigms and Pancasila leadership paradigms. Humas UNS

Reporter: Rangga Pangestu Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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