UNSPurworejo Local Government (Pemkab) welcomes students for the Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) for Rural Development, under the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program (MBKM), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, for the February-July 2022 program period. This hybrid welcoming ceremony took place at the Krandegan Village Meeting Hall, Bayan District, Purworejo, Central Java on Tuesday (18/1/2022).

The Regional Government was represented by the Second Assistant for Economics and Development Affairs from the Purworejo Regional Government Secretary Office, Drs. Budi Harjono, while UNS was represented by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Affairs, Prof. Kuncoro Diharjo. This ceremony was conducted symbolically through the Program Attribute Handover by Prof. Kuncoro to Drs. Budi Harjono.

Additionally, the students’ deployment and reception ceremony were also attended by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho; Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, Drs. A. Halim Iskandar, M.Pd.,the Regent of Karanganyar, Drs. Juliyatmono; the Regent of Kebumen, Arif Sugiyanto, SH; and the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. H. Ahmad Yunus

In his speech, Budi expressed his appreciation to UNS for choosing Purworejo Regency to be one of the regions for Student Community Service implementation. “Universities have an important role as a driving force for the success of regional government programs. Students have extensive knowledge of technology advancement. Therefore, they are expected to drive innovation for the community. Thematic Student Community Service is an effective and educative media for students to learn, by assigning then directly into the community, thus, allowing them to experience different social life,” he said.

Budi, who represents the Regent of Purworejo, added that students could capture various problems in the community. Therefore, hopefully, there will be an interaction between students and the local community. Through collaboration among the students and community, a partnership can be established and contribute to the accelerated development.

Purworejo Local Government Welcomes UNS MBKM Thematic Community Service Students for Rural Development Program

“I believe that the UNS Thematic Student Community Service will be conducted smoothly to help accelerate regional development programs. Congratulations on UNS KKN,” he concluded. Humas UNS

Reporter: Bayu Aji Prasetya
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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