UNS — The Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., inaugurated officials within UNS, including Bureau Heads, Coordinators, Sub-coordinators and Heads of the Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata-KKN) Management Units. The inauguration of these officials took place in Meeting Room 4, Dr. Prakosa UNS building on Thursday (August 31, 2023).

In his address, Prof. Jamal emphazised that within the context of higher education, bureau heads, coordinators and sub-coordinators are representative figures of an administrative support service for the three pillars of higher education activities. They play a strategic role in building UNS’s positive image and performance.  

Currently, UNS is one of the top-ranked state legal entity universities (perguruan tinggi negeri badan hukum). Therefore, effective and accountable institutional management is crucial. This necessitates the presence of leaders who are loyal, trustworthy, of high integrity and moral character, and uphold professionalism, all working steadfastly for the advancement of UNS. The officials being inaugurated and and sworn in have undergone evaluation and competency assessments conducted by the Employee Performance Assessment Team (Tim Penilai Kinerja Pegawai, or Baperjakat), which operates openly, independently, and objectively.

” This morning (Thursday, August 31st 2023), we have inagurated and sworn in three Berau Heads, including one promotion, and two rotations. Additionally, there are four promotion coordinators, and seven rotations. As for the Sub-coordinators, there are 25 individuals being sworn in, comprising 17 promotions and eight rotations. What’s unique is that among these 25 Sub-coordinators, 12 are Non-Civil Servant (Non PNS) Sub-coordinators, and 13 are PNS Sub-coordinators. This means that we treat the management and careers of Non-PNS staff at UNS has the same as PNS. Everyone has the opportunity to hold positions similar to those given to PNS staff, ” Prof. Jamal explained.

Prof. Jamal added that, in principle, the promotions, rotations, and transfers of officials are ordinary occurences within an organization. These actions are taken to provide employess with more experience, fulfill the needs for organization structuring and refreshments to enhance and accelerate UNS and Kemdikbudristek’s strategic programs.

 “To newly inaurugated officials, I congratulate you on your news roles. Show dedication and loyalty, in your work, for the advancement of UNS. Be leaders who sincerely nurture and guide. Avoid being enshared by a short-term pragmatic interests but rather, think openly for the long-term and strategic interests. For those officials whose terms have ended, I express my gratitude for the significant contributions you have made to UNS during your tenure,” Prof Jamal concluded.


Reporter: Dwi Hastuti

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